~Hey Jude~ (mclennon)

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John and Paul were cuddled up together in there bed hands in each other's sleeping peacefully in the early morning in London. John has his arm around Paul's stomach and Paul had his back to Johns. There soft bed was enough to make the most energetic person in the world sleepy. John slowly woke up and and sighed kissing Paul's ear gently admiring the beauty in his arms. "Mornin luv~"

Paul grumbled and his eyes fluttered open and looked back at John with a smile and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Good mornin~" he sighed laying on his head on his chest looking down at his and John's wedding rings.

"How did you sleep my princess~" he kissed Paul's hair running his back in circles. "Very well thank you~" he said sweetly as he kissed John's neck of his surprising lift skin and sucked on it lightly. John gasped and looked down at paul. " this early paul. " he chuckled

"Your the one who woke me up romeo." He laughed and smiled against his collar head on his shoulder.

"That is true but do you know what today is." He lifted Paul's chin up gently . "I don't know what day is it~" he said smirking crossing his arms arching his eyebrow.

"Don't be daft macca." He laughed and took his hand gently kissing his wedding ring. "Its the day I asked you to become a lennon." He smiled squeezing both of his hands. Paul blushed and his cheeks dusted red as he laughed . "Ten years is a long time to deal with me wouldn't it lennon." He joked teasing him.

" just shut it twit and kiss me. " John said grinning and kissed Paul gently holding him by the waist his hand rubbing Paul's sides as he kissed back softly and lovingly taking in every moment of it. While they were kissing in the honeymoon state they were in little patters of feet were made and a bedroom door opened.

"Dada papa." Austin, there now 5 year old son they adopted from Liverpool just as a baby. Both Paul and John pulled away and smiled over at him. "Morning aussie." John ruffled his hair being him into bed with them. " why so up early. "

"Because dada I wanted to get up early enough to come lay with you guys." He said laughing a little his cute brown eyes lighting up just like pauls. Somehow Paul resembled austin a whole lot, or maybe it was just john, they both had the same deep brown eyes and beautiful smile that can make both men and women fall to there feet.

" Well alright then darling we can do that. " Paul said kissing his face all over hugging him tightly. "My baby. ." This comment made John laugh and Austin squirm. " Papa!! Im 5 3 \4 years old. " he said generally stating. "I'm turning six in a month.."

"I know but your still getting kissed even when you walk down the isle." He kissed his cheek gently. " Ok mama let's let him breathe. " John said pulling Austin for breathe. "Alright alright, he just reminds me of you John." Paul said hugging him tightly moving the hair out of his face . "That same wild haircut~"

John rolled his eyes as he moved the hair out from being Austin's ears. He was already falling back to sleep with it being 6:30 a.m. Paul along with him

John sighed and got up walking along the creaking floor and got into the bed behind Paul and held them both in his arms. He kissed behind Paul's neck gently. "Happy anniversary sweetheart." John looked at his sleeping husband and child and decided to join them as well .

Spring 1972
John then woke up suddenly and was, in reality, in bed with yoko. He looked down at his ring finger. No matching rings between him and paul, just his ring and her diamond ring. John got up and went into Sean's room and his heart clenched at the little boy hed dreamed of adopting with Paul. He went down to the office, it was all just a dream some fantasy of what couldve been.

He got angry and threw a book at the shelf and it knocked everything over. Trying not to loose it, John got out a cig and lit it puffing the thing at a faster pace as tears escaped his eyes. All he wanted it to be was Lennon McCartney but no. He put the bud in the ash tray after burning his fingers.

Sean came into the office creaking the door. "Daddy..." He looked up at him. " are you ok...I saw you come into my room and then I heard crashing. " John looked down and sighed. "Oh it's nothing Sean nothing you couldve done that was your fault." He said sniffling with Sean wiping his tears. "Are you crying over paul?" He asked hearing his mom talk about John and him a lot.

John looked at him, he couldnt lie to his face so he shook his head. "Yes dear I am..." He sighed wiping another tears away. " Why? " there were so many reason why, but by the time he was done explaining hed been an old man.

"So many reasons..reasons you wouldn't understand that were my fault..." He sniffles wiping another tear. " why don't you go on back to bed it's still early alright we'll talk about this later in the morning.... " John said softly. "Alright daddy." Sean got out of his arms and ran back to bed.

John then ran to the phone calling Paul up. He was the only one to know about the dream. After hours of talking and explaining he came to a halt. "And that's why...I still love you.."

" I love you to... " Paul said through the phone smiling. Yoko came downstairs and overheard John which he saw and then had to hang up. "It was lovely talking to you Paul but I have to go I'll talk to you in a bit." He hung up and Paul said a sweet little ' ok '

"Yoko i-" before he could start she cut him off with a kiss. "Go to him john...go, I'll be alright.." She smiled. " Sean will be alright, he'll still see you everyday, so will jules, it's ok...go. "

"But i...you, I don't what to hurt you.."

Yoko laughed and shook her head. "So you really think I'm upset john...I told you to silly~"

"Thankyou my darling" he whispered sweetly and then kissed her cheek gently and made his way out the door

Summer 1975

John was looking through wedding photos from last year of Paul leaning against a barn the light reflecting off the camera a series of flowers behind his ear to create a bouquet. He cut his mullet and John chuckled and was reminded of Paul's old early days cut. He looked stunning, John would stare at the photo for hours on end and fall in love over and over again. Paul walked in with a little baby girl in his arms. she was a baby girl from vietnam they adopted, her name was mary. "Awww your looking at pictures of me how sweet." He smirked.

" Har har paulie~" he laughed softly as Julian and sean came in from playing with Martha. "Oi boys did you two go change before you walked in." he arched his eyebrow. Sean shook his head yes while Julian shook his head no, Sean had a visible paw print on his cheek. "Mhmmm showers now." He said trying not to laugh as they hurried up the stairs

" look at you Mr high and mighty~" he sat on the couch with mary and Paul

"What can I say I'm good with kids." He winked and rocked her gently back and forth. John rested his head on Paul's shoulder looking down at there daughter. "She's beautiful just like you." He kissed down to Paul's neck

" hmmm thank you  luv. " whisper as he held her slowly falling asleep on his shoulder with mary. He watched Paul and her and smiled contently. He was never ever going let go of Paul McCartney again.

(Okokokok so you may see that the years are off just I don't know dates and stuff so just bare with me SEE
Hope you enjoyed :))

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