Here Today

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   Paul was strumming the chords on his guitar and humming a small tune that was playing in his head, he stopped humming and bit his lip before writing down notes on a little piece of paper. It was time to record another album, it had been a couple of years since The Beatles had released one but, that wasn't what Paul was writing lyrics for.

John and Paul had decided to do an album together called Two Of Us based on the song from the Let It Be album. Who they both thought it would be a good name for the album since the couple had written, recorded, and sang it together as a duet. John agreed to that name and they decided to make it official with the public.

But after going without writing songs or recording in a while your creativity starts to tumble. He wanted to write a song for John that led into the record to show his love for him, even though he's written millions of other loves songs, he wanted this one to be specifically for John.

While Paul was writing he heard the door creek open as his daughter peaked in. "Papa? What are you doing." She said innocently as she walked over looking hands on Paul's knees to peak at what he was doing.

"Oh I'm just writing some lyrics down luv~cmon then." He smiled and lifted her up into his lap, kissing all over her cheek as she giggled. "would you like to read it? I know it would help you practice." He let her hold the lyrics in her hands as he pointed to the words

" Sure!! I can try. " Julia squinted as she held the lyrics closer to her face. she had inherited John's eye sight which wasn't a problem but she did need to where glasses a whole lot considering it was hard for her to see up close. "Oh sorry Jules here put on your glasses sweetie." Paul helped her put them on as he kissed her cheek.

" Woah!! I can see much better now thank you papa. " she smiled brightly as she read the words slowly dragging her finger across it.

"I-if I said I-I really k-knew you what would the answer be?"
"If you were here today."
"Well, knowing you y-youd probably laugh and say we were world apart..." Julia stumbled a bit but continued to read out loud as Paul smiled. " there you go, your doing great love. " he hugged his daughter close as she smiled and started to read again.

"I still remem-ber how it was before,
And I am holding back the tears no more,
I love you..." Julia looked up at Paul and smiled brightly. "Did I do it? did I do a good job."

" You did a great job my minx. "Paul grinned and hugged her tightly." and your getting really good to, maybe you can show daddy later yeah? "Paul pick up his guitar and set it in front of him and julia.

" Yeah!! "She let out a tiny laugh as she listened to Paul pluck the strings and mumble the words to the song Julia had just read. John walked upstairs and peaked into the lounge area where Paul and Julia were playing." so this is where you two ran off to? " he smirked as he held they're little baby son Eli in his arms.

Paul looked up from his guitar and smiled. "Hi luv~" Paul beamed as he set his guitar down. "How's little Eli been treatin you." Paul walked over to him to press a kiss to his lips which John happily returned.

" oh he's been just fine~he just woke up from a nap maybe 10 minutes ago, I heard you and Julia up here so I thought we'd stop by for a little visit. " he smirked as Eli reached out for Paul making little cooeing noises. "Go to papa darling." He gently handed him to Paul.

" oh daddy!! Guess what papa was writing a song for you. " Julia jumped into his arms pointing to the piece of paper that was on the desk. "Oh he did didn't he? Well let's have a look then." John walked over to the desk and picked up the little piece of paper and started reading it. Paul mentally panicked as he reached out. " No! Wait John don't it-" he stopped and bit his lip nervously as he gently bounced Eli in his lap.

As John read over the lyrics his face softened as he continued to read over the crossed out words and lyrics of the song. "Oh Paulie~it's so sweet did you...write this for me." He smiled as he walked over to the flustered boy who was looking the opposite direction. He slowly but surely nodded as he looked up at John.

John leaned down to kiss his lips cupping his cheek with his free hand. Paul's eyes fluttered shut as he kissed back, John pulled away slowly and smiled at him and julia made a gagging noise. He laughed at the noise as he sighed. "After all these years you still get so flustered around me hm?" John smirked as Paul shot him a playful glare

" I love it...I love the song and, if it's for the album I would love to have it on there. " John whispered as Paul smiled up at him. "Really?"

"Really...this is a Lennon - McCartney album after all." Both him and Paul laughed at the little joke. John looked down at his two children and poked both of theyre noses playfully. " oh and don't worry, we definitely have written songs about you two. "

"Really like what." Julia looked up at John curiously as Eli looked at him with those adorable puppy dog eyes. He shook his head as he held Julia close to him. " the songs are called Beautiful Boy and Julia~and yes dear the song is named after you. " John kissed her nose as she giggled. "I'm gonna have a song written about me!!" She hugged John tightly squeezing him. " Did you hear that papa? "

"I did! And we wouldn't want to have an album without the two of you in it." Paul looked at Julia and Eli and smiled to himself and at John.

"The album John wouldn't feel complete without you two ~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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