First Time ❤

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Paul gasped feeling the touch of John's hand against his arm. He felt John's thumb smooth against his jacket in a circular motion. True John was tipsy and Paul love the touches but in a bar in Germany is not the time or place.

"John what are you doing..." Paul looking into those porcelain eyes getting a scent of John's cheap beer

"What does it look like I'm doing my princess." John slured pressing lingering kisses to Paul's hand.

Paul let out a sound and he got up quickly. "I...excuse me." Paul stuttered at a loss of words going over to the bathroom and resting against the stall before washing his face . Paul came out of the bathroom only to find himself being walked into the wall by john. "Why did you run off my pretty princess." John barely brushed his lips.

" mmm~Johnny~because we can't do this public. " that Johnny drove him crazy, Paul felt himself being lifted up into John's arms

"j-john no not here we'll get cau~" Paul's lips gaped and nothing but a short whined came out as John bit love bites onto Paul's neck

"There's a nice motel down the road I don't see how that would be an issue.." John gripped Paul's chin with his hand as he grasped his thigh in the process. "You look beautiful like this..this isn't the alcohol talking~" John cupped Paul's cheeks pressing butterfly kisses to his forehead. "do you realize how absolutely gorgeous you look, shit." John cursed looking into Paul's eyes

"Oh John~i love you." Paul whispered leaning to kiss him once more. There sweet kiss soon turned into a make out session, John pinned Paul against the wall of the hidden hallway holding both of his hands up to it.

"Paul~God if I don't get to a motel or someplace I'm going to scream." John between kisses tugging Paul's bottom lip.

Paul hummed and pulled away both there lips swollen from kissing. "Then let's hurry up then." He smirked as he grabbed John's thigh.

The two Liverpool boys made there way out of the bar paying the bartender with what they assumed was enough. John and Paul ran through the empty streets of Hamburg holding hands and laughing along with exchanging hidden kisses. When they reached the motel John payed for two rooms to avoid suspicion of why two men want to purchase a room together...

John quickly walked Paul to there room and shut the door. After the door shut Paul went into the bathroom to take off his watch and shoes and saw a towel behind him. He smirked and chuckled to himself, unbuttoning his shirt and unzipping his pants..and with that he dropped his underwear as well. Paul covered himself up with the towel wrapped it around his chest and hips. Paul looked at himself in the mirror and let out a breathe trying to fight off his nerves. Then without thinking he left the bathroom going to there bed where John was taking off his shoes and coat. Before John had time to look up Paul dropped the towel and was now naked before him. His cheeks were as red as a rose and his nerves caused him to shake.

John couldn't stop looking at paul, he looked so beautiful from the tips of his hair down to his toes. John smiled to himself and got up going over to Paul stroking his cheek. "You look so stunning, I'm happy I can finally see you like this." John leaned down to kiss Paul's lips hands moving down from his chest to Paul's thighs. John unzipped his pants and his underwear taking it off and discarding it to somewhere in the hotel room, he took off his shirt but immediately reconnected his lips with Paul's.

Both men held each other close as they fell onto the bed together. John crawled on top of Paul looking down admiring his eyes, nose, lips, chest, legs, feet, you name it. John found all of it absolutely beautiful. "Are you ok Paulie~are you sure you want to do this.." He put his legs on either side of Paul tilting his head, fingers running through the youngers dark brown hair.

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