my love ❤

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John and Julia were driving around town listening to the soft rhythm of Chuck Berry playing on the radio. They were coming back from a long afternoon of shopping and never ending errands that seemed to ache the both of them. So a nice quiet drive through the countryside that led to there farmhouse where they lived was just the thing.

Julia was now 14 and full of trouble and witty like her daddy but also had her papas wisdom and kindness. When the tape ended John groaned which made her laugh. "Shall I put in another one?" Julia suggested but John shook his head. "Nah let's just enjoy the drive." He smiled over at her which she nodded.

After about 10 minutes of silence Julia finally broke it. "You know dad~you never told me the story of how you and papa fell in love."

" Really? I thought I told you when you were six. " John smirked and let out a laugh at Julia's disappointed look she took from Paul all to well. "Alright...if you want me to tell you I will.....well Jules it all started in the summer of 69-"

" Oh just get the point dad. " Julia laughed sitting up in her seat.

John chuckled and sighed. "Well..when I fell in love with your papa I remember I had my first band ever called The Quarrymen with my old friends...of course when I was your age I was really cocky and it often got me suspended from school..but either way I thought we were going to hit it big and after are first gig I thought nothing could stop me, until I saw him." John took a deep breathe smiling fondly at the memory . "Julia McCartney Lennon you wouldn't believe it if I told you..Paul was the most beautiful creature I ever laid my eyes on." John got emotional and teared up a little. " Now I may not have been that smart and I may not have been the best looking guy in the world but your papa made me feel like I could be a king. "

Julia listened as John pulled into there driveway but they didn't get out, John continued with his story.

"Now Julia you have to remember being in love with boys back then was uhhh how you say not generally excepted..let's out it that way." John bit the side of his cheek but then let out a chuckle. " I don't even know where to continue from just..your father's beauty and his overall kindness and generosity was what drew me close to him..I thought love didn't exist but those stunning eyelashes and puppy dog eyes told me otherwise. " John had a couple tears going down his cheeks but quickly wiped them away sniffling. He suddenly hugged Julia tightly as ever. "The point of the story is,  that love is real it may be hard to find but you'll find a way to it."

Julia smiled as she hugged John back tightly. when they pulled away from the hug she could tell John was still crying. John soon continued his story and smiled. "I remember our first I love you's very well...we were in Paris just a year before we meant your uncle ringo..but I can't remember it's been so long." John looked down but sighed. "We were in our hotel room laying together..the way the light shined in Paul you would think he was an angel from heaven himself...he went onto the balcony for a cigarette and I stood there in awe and I just said I love you and your father smiled at a me and you know what he said?" John turned to Julia tucking a stand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

Julia smiled softly at her dad and said. "I love you to."

" No~" John laughed at Julia's expression. "He said 'I know you do you cheeky git. 'John slapped the steering wheel laughing with his daughter." well we might want to go inside don't wanna keep mama and your brother waiting do we love. "John locked the car and got the groceries from the back taking them inside.

There son Eli who was working on home work smiled up nervously as John came in." hi daddy~"

"Uh oh what did you do." John arched a brow at him while Paul crossed his arm's . "I caught our son smoking a cigarette with one of his friends today." Paul gave Eli the motherly death glare, you know the one you never want to look into.

John laughed and then shook his head. "That's my boy~starting trouble at a young age."

" oh no John Winston Lennon, he's twelve and will not be smoking in this house, and we definitely won't have Lennon Jrs either. " Paul gave an un-ammused look at John holding back a smile, referring to there teenage years.

"Awww but paulie~" John pouted as he held Paul's hips giving him a puppy dog expression which had always made paul laugh, John laughed with him and leaned down kissing his lips, Paul's arms going around John's neck.

Both Eli and Julia turned away sticking there tongues out and making gagging noises..well more eli making the gagging noises. "Ewwww kissing!" Eli made a gagging gesture with his finger close to his mouth

" Oh quiet you two...but I'm not through with you Mr Lennon. "Paul smirked kissing his lips again deeply as both there kids ran upstairs screaming at the kissing.

John pulled away for a quick breathe and smiled against Paul's forehead pressing a lingering kiss there." i love you so much paul. " he caressed his back.

"I love you more John." Paul's face buried into John's neck just ever so lightly pecking it. There was no denying they were each other's soul mates...

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