❄12- The Unexpected❄

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It'd been a few days since their return and everything was back to normal for the Daeguese.

Yoongi had told everything that had happened to his parents and cousin, excluding some things that had happened between he and Hoseok of course, because he knew they would find it strange. His family was happy that he was getting along with the Omelan prince and princess.

Jimin had given his girlfriend the flower crown and as expected, she was very happy. Namjoon on the other hand focused on training his soldiers and exercised a lot to pass the time and try at all cost to forget the terrible incident that had happened between he and a male Omelan, brothel worker.

They were all getting back on track and once again accustomed to their lives in Daegu.


Yoongi sat in one of the big living rooms of the palace with his parents and cousin. They were discussing when suddenly Namjoon walked in and bowed to them.

"Yes, general Kim. What is it?" the King asked.

"I'm afraid I have disturbing news, your majesty."

Everyone immediately sat up.

"Bad news??" the Queen asked.

"Tell us, general."

"My king, news has come in to us, from the North. The Northern kingdoms are presently being attacked by the Wang dynasty."

This meant nothing good.


"Their king is attacking the wealthiest kingdoms and is seizing all their wealth and property. They are getting closer to us, your Majesty. We are amongst the kingdoms that he has declared war to."

This really meant nothing good. The queen and Jennie became restless while Yoongi was worried. The king on the other hand was trying to think of something.

"How close are they?" he asked.

"They're still in the North and we might get attacked in a day or two."

"Prepare for battle, general. Gather all our men and get our weapons ready. Ask our people to begin evacuating. Send word to Omelas that we will be needing their help when the time comes. We have to be ready."

"I've heard you, your Majesty," Namjoon bowed and immediately left their presence.

"A war?" Yoongi asked, worry in his tone.

"Yes. I have to keep you safe. I'll send all three of you away."

"Father, I'm not leaving," Yoongi said, "I can't leave you here."

"Yoongi, you are going to go away and that's it. Until the coming war is over. Understood??"

Yoongi reluctantly nodded. The king looked stressed out and stood.

"Where to, your Majesty?" Jennie asked.

"I can't send you to Omelas because they might follow you there. Yoonji?"

"Yes, my king?"

"You will leave with the children, back to your mother's village, Gwanju. You will stay there until this war is over. It's secured enough over there."

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