🔅19- Don't Be Rude -II🔅

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This was one more night like the others, when the warriors and young men would return from Daegu. Jin was already in the crowd, awaiting Namjoon with a smile on his face. Of course he soon spotted the general and rushed to him.

"Good evening, captain. How was work today?" he asked with a beautiful smile.

But as usual, Namjoon wore a frown and did not answer. He simply took the water, gulped it down, mumbled a thank you and rudely walked past Seokjin. This had been happening for nights now and it was beginning to frustrate the pretty worker. Well, this particular night, it was the last straw for Seokjin.

After Namjoon had left him with the empty bowl, the pretty worker frowned and stood in the middle of the crowd, all alone.

"Who does he take me for?" he muttered, a lump in his throat, "This fool takes me for granted. Let's see how he likes it tomorrow," Jin took a deep breath and regained his pride.

'We'll see who will run after who after this.'

He turned on his heel and walled away.

The next night, Namjoon once again returned with the other men and warriors. As expected, he wore a frown because he expected to meet Jin waiting where he always did. Namjoon realised that he couldn't avoid Jin and so he continued to be rude to the pretty worker, to discourage him.

'He should leave me alone. I am not queer! Will never be! We could've been friends but he stole a kiss from me and called it a mistake. That is wrong!' Namjoon would tell himself.

He walked until he reached where Jin would usually wait for him but was very surprised when he didn't find the pretty worker waiting for him as usual. He stood there alone, in the middle of the crowd. A pretty young woman rushed up to him and offered him some water with a smile. Namjoon frowned in confusion and continued to look around him, looking for Seokjin.

"General?" the pretty Omelan woman noticed he was off, "Here's some water."

Namjoon snapped out of it and forced a smile, thanking the woman and drinking the water before giving the empty container back. She curtsied and left. Namjoon looked around again.

'Where is he?' he thought, 'Why am I even asking myself that? Maybe he finally learnt his lesson. Yes.'

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