🔅20- Berries & Cream🔅

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Surprise update 😌💜


It was the weekend and Yoongi had finally come to the conclusion that the prince was avoiding him, and that hurt the younger prince. It'd been days since Hoseok had asked him to stay away from him but had finally changed his mind, and Yoongi rarely saw Hoseok since then.

He was now seeing Hoseok once a day and sometimes would not even see him at all. Yoongi would go to the gallery the doors would be locked. He would go to Hoseok's room too and the doors would be locked as well. Even when he went at night, he would hear the TV playing in Hoseok's room. He would knock and ask the prince to let him in but Hoseok would never answer the door. When Yoongi would maybe come across him the following day, he would say he'd fallen asleep. Yoongi was maybe naïve but he wasn't stupid. He would try to follow Hoseok or talk to him for long but the redhead would claim that he was going out and would ditch the younger prince. It hurt Yoongi. It hurt him bad and he would let the older know the next time they spoke.

That Saturday morning, the Daeguese prince sat with his fully recovered father, in his room.

"How is it going with the princess, my boy."

Yoongi fought the urge to roll his eyes. To be honest, the prince's will and excitement to woo the princess had finally disappeared and he honestly didn't know why. He used to find her fun but now, not anymore. He thought she was too clingy, quite demanding and slightly controlling. She'd become very possessive of him recently and it was beginning to irritate Yoongi. But of course, he couldn't tell his father this.

"Everything's fine, father," Yoongi forced a smile, "I'm working on it."

"Good. I'm proud of you. It's important you too start developing feelings for each other."

Yoongi cringed a little.

"Y- yeah."

"You should go look for her right now, okay? I'll rest a bit."

"Alright, father. I'll see you later," Yoongi bowed and quickly left the room.

He sighed and began to walk down the corridor. At that same moment, Hoseok appeared, turning into the same corridor. Yoongi's eyes lit up when he spotted the redhead. Hoseok froze and actually thought of turning and rushing down in the opposite direction. But before he could do so, Yoongi called him.

"Hobi!" the younger ran to Hoseok until he was in front of him.

"Oh, hey Yoongz," Hoseok smiled like he'd not been avoiding the prince's ass for days now.

"You've been avoiding me. Why??" Yoongi demanded, frowning.

'Shit!' Hoseok thought.

"What? I've not been avoiding you."

"Yes, you have been. Hoseok, you're hurting me."

The redhead's brows shot up at this.


"You're hurting me by ignoring me," Yoongi repeated, a lump in his throat, "What have I done? I'm in the dark and I have no idea why you're avoiding me."

Hoseok sighed, feeling sudden guilt.

"Yoongi, I've told you that I'm not a moral person. If you get too close to the sun, you will get burned."

Yoongi folded his arms.

"I don't care. Please, Hoseok stop avoiding me. Please," he begged.


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