🔅16- Stray Kitten🔅

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So double update cuz I love y'all 😌💜😌💜😌💜


A few days passed and the Daeguese people were getting comfortable in Omelas. As planned, the young men and warriors would go back to the ruins of Daegu to try and rebuild their kingdom, with the help of the Omelan warriors and young men too. It was something that would take time but they knew it would pay off at the end.

The Daeguese king was back on his feet and was healthy once again. Some days he would follow his men back to Daegu to help with work. The king was still a strong man and could work.
As for the Queen and princess, they would be staying in Gwanju for a while. They'd received the news that Yoongi and king Jaebeom were safe and it brought them peace of mind.

As for Yoongi, he would always visit Hoseok to see if the prince was getting better. And when the redhead was finally out of his sickbed, the Daeguese prince would follow him around like a stray kitten. It was the cutest and most amusing thing. Even Hoseok noticed.


One day, Hoseok was walking down a corridor, in direction of his gallery. He heard softer footsteps behind him and he turned only to see that Yoongi was following him. Yoongi halted when the Prince turned and this made Hoseok laughed.

"You follow me a lot these days, Yoongi," Hoseok mused, "Are you lost or something? Ever heard about personal space?"

Yoongi blushed in embarrassment. He couldn't even help it. He could be doing something and when Hoseok walked by, he would stand and follow the redhead, just to see where he was going and what he would be doing. Sometimes he wouldn't even talk to Hoseok and would just watch him from a distance. It just happened and he didn't really know why. Well actually, he did. He always wanted to be around the redhead and to get even closer to him. Hoseok was like a god to him now, his hero.

"I'm so- I'm sorry. I guess I just like being around you?" the younger prince admitted with a shy smile.

"I'm flattered but does this have anything to do with me saving you? If yes, then Yoongi you owe me nothing, okay? You don't have to kiss my feet or follow me around. Please, understand that," Hoseok stated and turned to leave.

Yoongi found himself following stubbornly and Hoseok turned again, causing the younger to jump and halt. Hoseok sighed and turned completely, folding his arms and raising a brow at him.

"Yoongi," he called firmly, like he was about to scold the prince.

"I'm not following you," Yoongi mumbled softly, looking at his feet.

"Oh yeah? Well, go ahead then. Go to wherever you were going to."

When Yoongi didn't move, Hoseok chuckled and sighed.

"You're around me more than you are around my sister."

Yoongi shrugged and smiled a little.

"Is it a bad thing? That I always want to be around you too?" Yoongi asked boldly, "If I annoy or bother you, tell me now and I'll never follow you again."

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