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The ship was exhausting as itself. Cati was very unsure of what exactly they were doing, all she wanted to do was get home to Yondu. Yet, now it all felt different, she wanted to be with her new friends, a loving friend group to look after her and vice versa. The ship came to a gentle stop on an unusual planet, it seemed as though the place was very alike to a night club of some sort, which was every bit more odd.

While the lot of them had made their own way out of the vessel, Cati was lifted into the air and onto Drax shoulders. "Stay close." He commanded. The people around them stared, some ran in a rush, a few little girls had stumbled into them, asking for money or food of some sort. Groot kneeled down with a smile, creating a skinny flower while passing it into the girls hand, a root-like smile covering his features. How sweet, something so small and happy happening in such an awful and disgusting planet.

Cati was taken aback by her own thoughts, when did she become so... Frank? Maybe it was just the stench of her surrounding that was putting her off. They all began to walk inside, Peter holding a very strange orb in his palms. "I don't know what else to expect from this guy, I mean... You are positive that he is not going to take my orb?" Gamora rolled her eyes at his comment. "Just shut up and trust me." A man stood at the other side of a large room, in Cati's eyes, she thought the place itself was of someone who was so desperate to have other people's things. An eccentric, pink lady had taken us to her 'master'. Which Cati had expected to have more of a reaction towards but she just felt impatient.

"I present to you. Taneleer Tivan, The Collector." The pink lady had a very fatigued expression, walking away slowly as she barely batted them an eye. The talking was distant to Cati as she peered around the area. Suddenly, everyone froze at the loud yelling of the pink lady. Cati gasped and turned in that direction. The woman was at the kernel of the orb.

"I will no longer be your slave!"

The words, so aggressive as Cati stared with wide eyes, the loud screams of Carina echoing through the cave like interior. "CATI!" Peter yelled as he noticed that she wasn't jumping for cover. He rushed over, grabbed her, and without a second thought, dove for cover.

Once more, they were all heading out. Drax was gone, if he was back then maybe they could all think of a sensible plan. As they all yelled and argued about what to do with the orb Gamora was holding, Cati began to walk towards a blazing light in the sky. Then the figure standing at a clearing roaring thunderous words into the air. "RONAN THE ACCUSER!" He seemed to be in such anguish. Cati frowned, the real world was hitting her, she felt pain like never before, she could hear the screams as if they were her own. Why did everything have to hurt, back in the vessel she never felt more safe and loved. With her new friends, she realized how horrifying everything was, yet, how much better she felt with her friends.

Without a second thought, the young girl raced towards Drax. Hearing the calls of Peter from behind, they were separated, but she would bring them back together. Once and for all.

THE DAUGHTER OF PETER QUILL  |>  gotgWhere stories live. Discover now