CHAPTER 10 <2>

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As Cati stared at the broken group of misfits, it was clear that they were lost, metaphorically speaking. Despite being the Guardians of the Galaxy, they didn't know how to work as a team, so this was failing. Awkwardly.

“Cati I—”

Moving past Quill forcefully, Cati smiled up at Drax, holding two daggers per usual. “Still going old school, huh?” She smiled, raising an eyebrow as he opened his arms and his wide smile shown down on her. “It’s always the best way! Get in here—” He hugged her tightly, a giggle escaping her throat as she had returned it. Gamora gently patted her shoulder as Rocket tapped his foot impatiently. “Excuse me, where is mine?” He snapped, she leaned away as well as Drax.

“How could she reach down to such a small pet? That causes back problems—” He stated nonchalantly. It caused Rocket to bare his fangs and snarl up at him, but Cati was already on the ground, hugging him normally. “Hello again Rocket.” She smiled, the Raccoon scoffed but grinned and hugged her back. “How you doing girl?” He asked.

Well, she was doing fine originally, then they had showed up and caused this planet to disturb her from their own fear. “Doing good, you guys have made quite a mess with your ship though—” Suddenly, another small ship had gently landed on the ground, a man rushing out with two guns in his hands. Realising it was Matthew, she ran at him, twisting his hands around and pinning him to the ground.

“W-What are you doing?! They are trying to kill everyone!” The man below her yelled, but she made a calming ‘shushing’ noise. “Matt, they thought we were Ravagers.” Cati whispered. “They are...” She sighed and helped him up. “The Guardians of the Galaxy...” Turning to them.

“Oh. Well, sorry, but you can't crash land here and expect everyone to be calm about it.” Matthew raised his eyebrows at them. “Let’s just find a way to get them off this planet babe—” Quill interrupted Cati, stepping forward and chuckling.

“I-I’m sorry... Babe?” He mimicked. Matthew raised an eyebrow. “Yes? I'm her boyfriend, and you are?” He asked, crossing his arms. Cati sighed, she really didn't want to go through this right now. “I’m her father! You think it's fine to go out with her without even asking me?” He snapped angrily. Matthew's face had gone pale for a moment, then he glared back at Cati. “Why didn't you tell me you had a father? You told me they were both dead—” To this, Peter seemed shocked. Blinking as he appeared as depressed towards Matthew.

Cati's cheeks had turned red, shaking her head as she pushed past Matthew and the Guardians. “It doesn't matter, idiots- let's just get you all off this planet—” Again, they were interrupted by another ship landing, making Cati groan and take a rock from the ground, chucking it at the white vessel. “What do you want?!” Her voice bellowed.

Quill was shocked also, Matthew grinning. “Babe, it's a ship.” Finding it oddly cute, meanwhile her father did not. “Oi, shut it and don't talk to her—” Someone had appeared from the ship. Looking very alike to both Peter and Cati.


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