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          Luna Lovegood sat on the couch of the Weasley's house laying down seeds gently on the living room floor. "What are you doing Luna?" Ginny asked as she sat down with Ron, Harry, Neville and Hermione.

        "Well I'm trying to grow the most sincere pumpkin patch. So the great pumpkin will give me a gift, I hope It's Nargle spray. They are quite pesky this year." The others exchanged befuddled looks and Hermione was the one who answered.

          "Luna, muggle movies aren't often real." She broke into Luna's reality, but Luna was unfazed by her.

            "Well, I suppose a big pumpkin may not be real. But they're actually quite wise. (The muggles) They get a few things wrong, but they have a show about a witch in America named Alex Russo who was in a sort of triwizard tournament with her brothers. And of course Harry." She said in her dreamy voice, and started to pick up the seeds.

      "What about me?" Harry leaned forward quizzically.

                   "Didn't you know? A witch in disguise, not two far from here wrote a book- seven about you. Then they were made into movies. Even in the muggle world people know you." Harry's mouth was agape.
            "I have the movies. I got them from daddy when he came back from hunting Crumple-Horned Snorkaks in the non-wizard world." Then she started playing with her charm bracelet from her mother.

           Everyone stared at her waiting. Finally she caught on. "Did you want me to bring the movies?" Everyone, though they were probably thinking "No Durr" murmured "Yeah" or "Sure" or "Mmhmm "

         "Okay, be back in a minute." She disappeared and came back with a case of CD's and odd purple popcorn.

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