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4:10 pm 


"The vampire in your body will soon take control and make you feed on anything you see. The hunger will be so powerful, that you wont be able to stop it, because you are so hungry, that everything you see, if its a human, an animal, anything that moves, you wont be able to stop yourself from taking it."

Virgil's POV

I sunk my fangs into Thomas throat. I can taste his blood come into my mouth as I bit down hard enough. I felt him moving around underneath me, but I didn't care. All I knew is that I was hungry..and I needed blood. 

"If you drink to much of it, you would feel all drowsy. So like you're drunk, putting it simply. I know it's weird, but you're taking in to much, but your body can't help but take in more."

I can't stop. The feeling is to much. I close my eyes and tighten my grip around Thomas' neck, and I feel him going still as I continue to bite down on him.

Everything goes silent, and the only voice I hear is the one in my head, telling me to keep going, and never stop.

Romans POV


No No No No. I know I said it would be fine for him to just drain Thomas here, but I didn't think he'd actually do it! if he kills him, he would be crushed. He's known him for a little while, but it doesn't mean he didn't care about him. 

I rush over to him and try to tear him away from Thomas. I listen very closely to try an hear a heartbeat. 

It's there..


Hang in there Thomas. You'll be fine.

"Virgil! Let go!" I yell and try to yank him away. He pushes me off and continues to drain him. I stumble a bit, but keep my balance and head for him again. I can see the blood running down his lips, and down Thomas' neck, and towards his collar bone. I try my hardest to push the hunger away, and not bite at the other side of his neck. 

I freeze for a second because I can see Virgil let go and look straight at me with a smirk. He licks the blood that's dripping down Thomas' neck and pushes him away. I listen again for any sign of a heartbeat..

There's none.

I look at Virgil who is walking towards me with a grin. He stops and looks into my eyes. Our faces inches apart. He brings him thumb to my lips and smears blood across my lips slowly. If I had a heartbeat, it would be beating out of my chest right now. 

He looks at me, then at my lips. I blush and our lips crash together. 


4:54 pm



I don't know what to write next..



Vampire AU- PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now