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1:40 pm

sick sick sick


Elliot brought Patton, and Logan to his and his moms room. Confused with the sudden interest, the two men would share glances here and there trying to understand why Elliot's mother wanted to talk to them. 

Maybe to say thank you for finding her son..?

"I'm here mom!" Elliot said and opened the door, to see his mother sitting her bed with her hands crossed, while her legs were dangling off the bed. "Thank you sweetie. Mommy wants to talk to this two young men..in private if that's okay"? She said and looked at her son who hesitated a second then let go of Patton's hand. 

"Okay Mommy." Elliot said, and ran over to give his mother a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. Patton and Logan both looked at the lady who had a smile on her face, but quickly went away, once she made eye contact with the two vampires in front of her.

"I just wanted to say-" The lady started and got up from the bed, walking slowly up to Patton with Logan behind him. "Thank you. For finding Elliot. I didn't say it before, so I'm saying it now." She said and grabbed both of Patton's hands, squeezing them sweetly. 

Patton smiled at her, "You're welcome..u-um.."

"Andrea." The mother said and smiled.

"Andrea." Patton said and nodded. "Also.." Andrea said and brought Patton to the bed and sat him down, with her sitting down next to him. Logan was confused, but didn't show it, he just walked next to the bed and stayed standing. "Your friend...Dean is it?" Andrea asked and looked at both of the men, waiting for an answer.

Patton nodded, and Andrea sighed, "Yes yes..Dean. I remember him.." Andrea said, still holding both of Patton's hands, but gripped them a but tight. Patton had no affect to it, but he did feel her hands squeeze his harder. "Remember him...how"? Logan asked, suddenly gaining interest into the conversation. 

"Oh it was a while ago indeed. Back when Elliot was maybe..four..five..give or take." She said and looking away, and looking at the bed sheets. "When he bit my neck." Andrea said, and looked at Patton who was shocked. She roughly let go of his hands and looked at him dead in the eyes. 

"If you ever..come near my child..ever...I will drive a wooden stake through all of your hearts. Do you understand"? Andrea asked, and wasn't about to take no for an answer, as Patton nodded slowly.

 "Good. Now leave my room. Leave my friends alone..and find another group to feed on." She finished and shot Logan a glare, and he grabbed Patton's hand and walked out of the room. 


3:37 pm

I might write Roman and Virgil next, because I just left you guys hanging, my bad.

Vampire AU- PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now