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another one bites the dust


Screaming everywhere, from every direction, there's no running from it. The sounds of the huge trucks driving around people, blocking them from escaping. Everyone running into the building, trying to hide themselves from the all the chaos surrounding them.

One scream that made everyone turn their head was a high pitched one, a child's scream. 

Virgil grew tense when he saw a man jump off the truck and shoot Andrea in cold blood. Virgil's skin went cold, as he saw her body fall to the ground, with Elliot screaming for her to wake up. Anger washed over all three of them as they saw the man grab Elliot by the collar, and yank him upright. 

Tears streaming down his face, as he tried to run, and break free from the mans grasp, but stopped when a blade went straight for the child's neck, pointing the sharpest part on his throat. With one swift move, he would be able to tear open the skin in seconds.

Roman growled, and walked over to the man, ignoring all the destruction going on around him. The three vampires followed, and Patton clenched his fists when he saw the man holding Elliot with a smirk, when Roman stood, arms length, in front of him. 

"Well well well, it's been quite some time I will say. Oh I have missed you so much." The man said, his smirk growing wider, when Roman stepped forward a bit. "You've made a new pet I see." He looked at Virgil up and down shaking his head. Virgil stared at him, his eyes furrowed and growled lowly, making the man smile and turn away.

"Let Elliot go." Roman said, his voice dark making Virgil's skin crawl. "I'm afraid I can't do that. You finish your end of the deal, and I'll do your favor." The man grinned and watched Romans expression change to serious, when he put his hands in his pockets. 

"I'm done. I finished the deal. I helped you become the strongest immortal to ever walk the earth. What else do you want from me Deceit?" Roman asked, and grew mad, when the man gripped the collar of Elliot's shirt tighter, making the child cough, and gasp for air.

"Let him go!" Patton yelled, gaining Deceits attention. The man looked over at Patton making him smile, showing his fangs. "Oh well this is even better!" The vampire started, and loosened his grip on the collar, only a little bit, Elliot still struggling to catch his breath,

 "The man that killed half my men in 10 minuets? Right? I must say, I am very impressed with the work you did back there, but what is starting to really piss me off, is that you didn't die when I shot two bullets in your chest."

Logan looked over at Patton with worry, and betrayal go across his face. Patton didn't make eye contact, for he was to concentrated on Elliot at the moment. "Put him down. Take me, kill me for all I care! Just don't hurt Elliot." Patton practically begged, and watched Deceits intense gaze stare back at him. 

"Now you see, that's the problem! I don't want to kill you, but I do want to hurt you, and what better why to do that is by..killing this poor innocent child in front of you. In front of all of you." Deceits smirk grew wider, but it showed no humor, just a dangerous smile that had no humanity. He looked at Elliot and whispered something into his ear, making the child choke out a sob, and bow his head.

Virgil was furious at what he was witnessing in front of him. Was he really going to kill him? A child?! The look of his face says the answer, but Virgil forced himself not to believe it. He told himself, that he would see the tomorrow stars, and see Elliot's little smile, that he has on everyday, making everyone happy.

Vampire AU- PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now