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10:21 am


Roman pulled away and blushed a bright red, while looking at Virgil who was smiling a bit and opened his eyes. They stared at each other for a bit, but looked away embarrassed and stepped back a bit.

"S-So.." Roman was first to say once they processed everything that happened, "Sorry..for k-kissing you..without..asking." Roman said quietly and looked down from where he was standing. "It's..fine Princey..I-..enjoyed it." Virgil admitted and blushed red and cleared his throat.

"You did..?" Roman asked and looked at him smiling a bit. "Yeah.." V sighed and still tried to avoid eye contact, for he was still blushing a lot.


"We need to get back." Virgil stopped him from saying anything else. Roman only nodded, and grabbed the animal they found, and started walking back to the camp site.

Once they were there Thomas came up to them smiling, and with shocked eyes, "You found one." He said and looked at both of them with thankful eyes, "Thank you so much! Everyone will have a chance to eat today." Thomas finished and nodded at them while turning around to announce that food will be ready in a bit. Everyone cheered and came up to Virgil and Roman to thank them.

Roman smiled at all of them, and Virgil awkwardly said 'you're welcome', he doesn't do good with crowds, even worse if hes the center of attention. Virgil found the opportunity to bolt the scene when all the girls went over to Roman and asked him how he did it. Virgil rolled his eyes, and walked away.

He went to his room where Logan and Patton were, and they both got up from the chairs they were sitting in right when Virgil walked in.

"Hey guys-"

"We are leaving. Now." Logan stopped him and had a serious voice on, Virgil was to confused to answer, he just stood in his doorway, looking at the two men in front of him with fear in their eyes. Patton's was more noticeable as for Logan, he just looked a bit more angry then scared.

"W-What's going on..?" Virgil finally asked. Logan sighed quietly and walked up to him, "Elliots mother, Andrea, knows who we are." Logan said and started to grab Patton's hand to leave when Roman walked in.

"Hey guys, Whats going on?" Roman said a and stopped at the doorway, Hearing him made Logan stop and stare at him with anger flashing his eyes. Roman saw this and put a confused expression on, "What..?" Princey asked and looked at Logan with the same intensity.

"Andrea, Elliots mother, You bit her"! Logan yelled and everyone froze at the outburst, Roman was also at shocked as everyone in the room, but quickly went still, when he registered everything.

"I was..right." Roman whispered to himself and looked at Virgil. "Virgil, remember the "dream" I told you about?" Roman said and Virgil nodded, still confused, "I saw Elliot, and the person I was draining was Andrea, but I never saw him in real life, only in the so called daydream I had." Roman finished, and looked at Patton and Logan who were confused, but Virgil who understood everything now.

"But- how did you see Elliot in the daydream and not in real life"? Virgil asked and turned to him, Roman only shook his head and sighed.

"I new it!" A new voice said and walked up to them. Jessica had a smirk on her face, "You're not using your real names, and you're vampires!" Jessica said and there was a hint of fear flashing her eyes, but she pretended to ignore it. "Oh wait till Thomas hears about this." And with that she started to walk away, when Virgil made a low growl and stopped her.

He grabbed both of her arms roughly and pinned her to the wall, she made a yelp and her eyes widened. She tried to break free, but Virgil only pushed her against it harder making her more terrified.

"This is whats gonna happen." Virgil said with a low dark voice that sent shivers down her spin, "You're not going to tell Thomas about us, you are not going to out us in front of everyone. And you are not..going to ruin Thomas' leadership because of us. You do this..nobody will trust him anymore..because of you.

And if you do tell everyone, Jessica.. I will kill you."

Jessica gasped and whimpered silently. Virgil pushed her against the wall and let go, making her run away, and down the hallway to her room and locked the door with a click of a sound, and Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Let's go before anyone else finds out about us." Virgil said and walked down the hallway, towards the big two doors that lead to the outside.

The three men followed and was about to bolt the scene when he heard everyone scream. They all turned around and saw a group of people with guns and huge trucks coming towards them, and the camp site.

Logan grew stiff and Roman cursed under his breath.

"T-They found us.."


11:42 am

Vampire AU- PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now