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7:01 pm

sorry I'm using their POV randomly, I just wanted to and now I'm hooked.

I'll stop in the next chapter.


Virgil POV

"Virgil let go!" I hear Roman screaming at me. I open my eyes, and I see Roman in front of me trying to push me off something..

I feel blood rushing into my mouth, and I look down, and see Thomas unconscious under me. I loosen my grip around his neck, and let go. I drop him immediately and look at Roman then back at Thomas and drop to my knees.

"R-Roman..I-I...I-I'm s-sorry.." I manage to say and look at him. I see his expression change from worried to serious. He drops to his knees as well, and checks Thomas' pulse. He relaxes, and lets out a shaky sigh. "H-He's okay.." Roman says and looks at me. 

I grab Thomas' hand and grip it sweetly. "I-I'm sorry..Thomas.." I whisper and close my eyes. I feel all sorts off emotions rush at me all at once, but I focus on one..



Virgil looked at Roman, and tried to say something, but Roman only shook his head in a caring way, and smiled a small smile at him. "Its fine..lets just hope, when Tom wakes up..he wont know it was you.." Roman said and slumped against a tree.

Virgil did the same and brought his knees to his chest, still staring at Thomas relieved that he's still alive. "The first time.." Roman started, and slowly looked at Virgil, "I almost k-killed someone..I had this..vision, about something. It was so..real..."


Roman bit down on the lady's neck while squeezing her throat. She screamed, but nobody was around at this hour, so it was no use. He closed his eyes and slowly went to trance. 

She passed out, but Roman still went. He can hear footsteps approaching him, but he didn't care. The more the better, well at least for him. Roman dropped the body, and brought his head up with a grin on his face. 

He can hear the heartbeat of the person in front of him as he slowly walked towards them. His eyes showing no emotion, but his expression did. Roman then saw the person that was in front of him, and It was a small boy that had cute overralls on. 

"Mommy? Are you okay?-"

The kid looked panicked, and started to back away slowly, but Roman just walked forward with every step the kid took. 

The child screamed, making Roman groan and reopen his eyes as if it was all a dream he had.

His grip still tightened around the neck of the women, that he thought that he drained. She was struggling and going weak with every gulp of blood that Roman took from her body. 

He slowly let her go and watched as she ran away with out looking back. Screaming Vampire as she went.

Roman bolted out of the scene and ran away from the town that will be know as the town a vampire walked through.


"I-It felt so..real..like I was really..there. Looking at the kid in front of me..I can feel the wind blowing on my hair. I wasn't affected of the coldness of it, but the child was, and he was shivering. From coldness or fear...maybe both.."

Roman looked to the ground and smiled a sad smile before looking at Virgil who had a shocked, but sad expression on his face. 

"I can hear his voice...replying in my mind..he looked like.." Roman stopped and looked shocked. 

"W-Who..did he l-look like..?" Virgil asked bringing his knees down and stretched out looking at Roman a bit impatiently.

Roman started shaking and looked at Virgil with tears forming in his eyes.



4:47 pm

also..the "things" I'm writing is based off of books, and a show I watched.

Both very very very different from each other, but I put in a few facts from both into this story.


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