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Coming home after a long mission.

It's been a long time since the Wind Pillar has been home. Not only to the demon slayer headquarters, but his own living space. Even after arriving Rengoku wanted to discuss training tips so he was away even longer than planned.

After finally cutting the Flame Pillar off Sanemi trudged home. He was sore. His legs felt numb from all the walking, his back desperately needed to be rubbed, knots covered his shoulders but most of all he felt an ache in his heart.

He'd never admit it but he missed you dearly, he hated being away from you longer than a few days. Sanemi missed your warmth when you gave him hugs from behind, the smile you showed when he got excited telling you about his battles.

Outside his the door to his living area he smelled something good. He wasn't sure you knew he was coming home but the feast the white haired boy smelled said otherwise.

Nearly kicking his own door down he 'tried' to not excitedly hurry to the kitchen.

You stood completely oblivious at your kitchen stove, to intrigued with the vegetables your were trying not to burn.

You decided to try a new recipe, your mother used to make when you were younger but you just only recently remembered the ingredients.

Various vegetables sizzled in the iron pan you gently shook back and forth, flipping the greens over and over to get an even warmth.

Sanemi stood watching you, he felt like that Kamado boy with all the smells that hit his nostrils. After seeing you put the last details onto the perfectly cooked dinner, he decided to make his presence known.
Walking up behind you he snuck one arm around your waste, the other reaching for a cooked celery bit, tossing it into his mouth.

" Is that good enough for you?" You beamed, trying to tone your smile down as you favorite person in the world was now back hone safe. You watched as he put on a dumbfound thinking face.

" Hmm , maybe."

You couldn't help but chuckle at Sanemi's attempt to hide his feelings. He wasn't one to express emotion often, if at all but you knew deep down he cared deeply for you.

"Oi." Snapping fingers caught your attention." Is this good to eat or what?"

You blushed slightly, knowing you were deep in thought about him. "Yes, i was just thinking about how happy I am to see you."

You could have sworn a light flush grazed his cheeks but he turned around before you could closely look at his face.

"Good I'm starving." He plopped down at your Kotatsu , placing his head in his hand.

You grabbed both bowls of your supper and sat next to him.
He raised and eyebrow at you normally sat across from him but said nothing.

You ate your meals in silence, cherishing both the food and the time you got together, knowing he'd be leaving again any time soon for his next mission.

Looking over at Sanemi you saw he almost finished his dinner, while you were only half way done. Without even thinking you held up chopsticks with a piece of meat on it in your boyfriend's direction.
"Say ahhh." You smiled , knowing he wouldn't but it was still funny to you.

"What are you doing?" He deadpanned, very confused at what was happening.

" I'm sharing." You said innocently. " I know you're still hungry but it seems I didn't make enough."

He sighed but then did something that shocked you, he chomped right down on the piece of meat you held out for him, staring right at you with a light blush on his face.

Turning more red than the tomatoes you cooked , you stuttered," W-what , I uhh ." Forming words was the last thing on your mind, you could barely even process what he just did.

After chewing Sanemi smirked. " I only did what you asked."

After staring at your red face for a few more seconds he leaned in to kiss the top of your head.

" You work hard making every meal, please enjoy it yourself too. If we're still hungry I'll try making something." Leaning back again he somewhat smiled and went back to finishing his food.

You appreciated every gesture of kindness you got from him, whether it was something subtle or straight up compliments.

" It would have been cuter if you said 'ahh' like I asked." You pouted.

" Shut up."

I haven't written in over a year so if there's any errors or it seems off I apologize.

Art cred: ohagi_ouri on twitter! ( wont let me link the actual tweet )

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