The Rain (Yoriichii)

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It was a dark night, the full moon peaking out occasionally between passing clouds. You weaved in and out of the trees surrounding your home, making your way back. You spent the day selling crafted jewelry in the village at the bottom of the mountain.

Only having your thoughts to keep you company, you let your mind wander. You remembered back when you were only a young girl, maybe 8 or 9, on a night like this you'd be heading to your usual meeting place with your best friend Yoriichii. Back then, Yoriichii was your only friend besides your siblings. Although he was very quiet , he was kind and thoughtful.

You learned over time about his home life, and that soon he'd be leaving to begin priesthood. He never seemed phased by the fact his family didn't seem to want him, even at a young age your heart broke for him.

You vividly remember when he suddenly stopped showing up to your meeting spot, missing days turned to weeks, months, years. Later on in life you learned his mother passed right before he stopped coming, wondering if that was the reason he left.

You never married or had children, you stayed to yourself on this big mountain, only interacting with others when you sold your goods.

A loud crashing sound snapped you back to reality. It had begun to rain , thunder struck somewhere not far from you. Judging by the trees that surrounded you, you were still a good 10 minutes from home.

Unaware of the sounds the thunder was covering, you slowed your pace. It was summer time, so the mountain had no snow, although the weather wasn't ideal, it was beautiful.

Twigs started frantically snapping all around you, catching you off guard. It was almost impossible to tell what or who was near.

"H-hello? Is someone there?" You half expected the sounds to be your imagination, while another part of you expected deer to rush out, seeking cover. You did not expect a horrid half-human creature to lunge at you from the dark.

You let out a cry for help as you tumbled onto your back, now covered in mud on the ground. A demon was hunched over you, flailing it's arms in your direction, clawing your clothes and near your face.

"Help! Get off me!" You were by no means weak but at best you could only hold this thing back. It's mouth snapping in every direction, seeking contact with your flesh.

Out of nowhere you saw a burst of dark red and orange, feeling a weight being lifted off you. Your eyes shut, you breathed shakily.

Had someone heard you? Maybe you died and were in the afterlife?

"Are you alright miss?" A husky voice echoed into your ears as you felt a warm hand hold your cheek. "I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier, but the demon is gone now."

One eye peeked open as you put a face to the voice. To your astonishment , Yoriichii was kneeling down in front of you. A concerned look was spread across his face. It might be dark and the rain blurred your vision but there was no mistaking that birthmark.

You felt tears welt in your eyes as you lunged forward onto him. "Yoriichii! It's me y/n! Where did you go?"

The man fell silent, he didn't recognize you until he heard your voice. A subtle smile crept across his cheeks. "I've been here and there, helping wherever I can." He helped you up, draping an extra piece of fabric over you, trying to shield you from the rain. "I must get you out of the rain before you get sick. Is your place far?"

You shook your head and lead him in the right direction. Once in your home he lit the furnace you had in your kitchen, taking off his wet outer-clothes to wring them out.

You went off to clean up and change, wishing he hadn't seen you like this. You offered him food and shelter for the night, but he refused.

"I can't stay, more people are out there, getting killed, hurt and turned. I'm needed." Pain was in his eyes, after all you both just reunited after so many years. "Thank you for the offer."

Before he could make it out the door you tugged on his clothes. "Take me with you, I can fend for myself and I won't get in your way, just.. don't leave me again."

He smiled with his eyes and took your hand. "I don't expect you to fend for yourself, I won't force you to come or stay, just please, listen to what I have to say."

The biggest smile covered your face as you went to hurriedly grab any necessities. The rain had stopped and the moon peaked out over the clouds, it was the start of a whole new beginning with the person you missed the most.

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