After Joining him

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(Lemme explain! I wrote the first chapter in my sancest book! Under the name switch if you wanna read that before this please do! But if not or you already have and want to read this book! Thank you for reading!!! Some small things before this starts, Nightmare is in his normal/pre corrupt form and has the story plot that Cross has in the underverse series. And Cross is basically the goopy mess in this story plot hopefully, this helps you out oh and Dream is nightmares ghost)

I joined him, and so far all I done is basically advise him.
Cross was war hungry, a beast that had no soul or at least from what I could tell at first, if you didn't know him however you would even say sadistic and soulless. In battle, he would defeat his enemies with glee as blood would pool on his sharp tentacles and cover him from head to toe. He would show that wicked smile and laugh as they would scream, Cross was definitely a scary monster. Yet...
I witnessed the other side of him, when someone gets hurt on his side.
Horror got beat up pretty good by Underfell sans when he wasn't aware of Fell being behind him as 'underswap' sans had him distracted trying to 'talk' it out. Cross came into his throne holding a basically almost dead horror bridal style with a angry expression, that smile I thought I would never see go off his face was now a flat line and he was spitting orders for someone to heal him, But no one was a healer.
Well almost no one
I slowly walked up to him, Cross almost seemed taller now due to his anger, like a cat about to fight. I swallowed, could I do this? Dream was the healer not me...
"Let me brother" Dream said in my ear, laying his hand on my shoulder that I couldn't feel, but I was aware of his actions, I knew what I had to do. I had to sleep.
I have to let Dream control my body...
Dream did exactly what I expected, he cautiously walked up to Cross and Horror, placing his hand on horrors head and began to work. Slowly Horrors eye light returned into the socket and he was confused as hell when it did too.
"Boss why ya holding me?"
"Shut up you got injured" Cross was sighing in relief as he basically dropped Horror, out his arms.
"Thanks little skel" Horror patted dream on the head and Dream nodded, knowing he would blow the cover of Nightmare if he spoke He kept his head down so Cross couldn't see his eyes. Cross was staring at Dream and then gestured for Dream to follow him. As they walked, I remember slowly coming back into my body, Dream was especially scared of Cross and didn't trust him. However I was beginning to like him. I always caught myself staring at him, watching the way his tentacles would twitch and I would stare in his eyes, they were the most exotic thing out of all of him since they didn't match the rest of his color, everything was black and goopy yet his eyes were red and white making him seem to stand out even more than he already did. As we reached a heavy, dark wooden door, he slowly turned to me as I finally regained complete control and smiled again, that smile coming back with a slight sparkle in his eye. "I have something to show you" Cross said to me, opening the door with a loud groan of protest from the door itself being as heavy as it appeared and it was presenting a massive library in the room the door hid. My mouth opened at surprised as I scanned the library before me. Cautiously I stepped into the room, staring at all the colors and rows of books, big and small, all over the walls, walls that stretched so high you would need a very tall ladder to reach some rows, there were even stairs that lead up to some of the other rows of books sense the walls seemed to stretch forever. Cross was humming a smooth tune as he sat in one of the chairs near the massive left wall where a fire was roaring in a fireplace. Cross was watching me as I was looking around, I was at very uncomfortable knowing he was watching me as I exploded his library. "Enjoy these books as a reward" Cross suddenly spoke in a voice I never heard, it wasn't loud or dangerous, it was low and sultry. I didn't know why but that voice made a shiver come up my spine and a blush rush across my cheeks. Good thing he couldn't see my face when he spoke to me. I kept my back to him as I spoke "reward?" I asked, not sure what I was being rewarded for. "You helped my friend back there, I am...highly grateful of you" Cross was suddenly right behind me, I felt his hot breath as he spoke against my shoulder. I was shivering out of fear...and something else, something warm and fuzzy. "I...would've done that for anyone here...sir..." I was blushing like a grape right now, I think he knew it too. Cause a snicker came from him as he finally just patted my shoulder and I could feel the warmth of his body leave mine when he backed away, a empty feeling was all that was left behind as he began to exit the library, saying over his shoulder. "Just call me Cross"
After that, I saw more and more of Cross's sweetness.
He was actually a gentle monster, he had many strange sprite things that roamed the castle of his, they seemed to be made of smoke except the gold glowing eyes they had, and they all acted like cats. He loved them, they would randomly appear and he would joyfully speak to them, pet them, entertained them. He also could play instruments, when he thought he was alone, he would play on a flute, the instrument was pearly blue and seemed to shine even when no light was present. The beauty in each note that the flute blew seemed to cause magic to fly through the air and create a small show along with the song he played. He also seemed to favor Error, I found out they are best friends, they battled together, frank together, awkwardly cry to one another. Constantly they would get heavily intoxicated and begin talking about past battles and talk about things that haunted them in their lives. Apparently Error lost the love of his life, due to someone named Xgaster, it seems to bother Error a lot, but Cross would always hold Error as he cried. I saw a side I don't think many ever did and I don't even regret this choice of join these guys, everyone here treated me like I was family to them. This was a family, a family I never had.
One day maybe I'll tell Cross all about me, he knew about dream, but I'm sure he doesn't know who I am. Not entirely, but for now I will watch and learn, I grow more attached to them all everyday. This was a home I never thought I would have again...
Thank you Cross

Switch (crossmare) Where stories live. Discover now