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I was alone and grieving, I was basically locked in my room due to blue and dream, they said they also found Error tied up and locked up with his own note attached, but I know no one came in, so I turn to where the voice came from and my mouth popped open.
Altiyn was in the corner of the room, but she didn't look like how she did when I met her. Her hair was long and floating around her, her body had no scars, no wounds, she was completely healed and she was glowing. She was floating too, looming in the corner, he also wasn't really covered in anything, If I thought about it long and hard, she reminded me of a goddess from mythology.
Am I dying?
Did I hurt myself and didn't know?
Am I asleep?
"Go now! Cross is in some serious trouble" she hissed at me, pointing the the window that was now unlocked.
"Listen to me closely nights, this will be the most expensive piece of your choices if you go to save him" she suddenly said after I started to subconsciously move to the window. "But he will live?" I asked her, not even looking at her, just at the window.
"Yes he will, he has always been the one who must end this war"
"Tell me does this end?" I whispered it.
"You will..." that part faded a bit " but if you don't go, they will all die, sometimes one sacrifice is for the good of many" she was speaking with such a sad tone, like she didn't want to say that. Yet, she's doing her job even in the after life.
"Will my brother be alright? If I die?"
"...yes after a time"
"So he won't die too?"
"No that doesn't apply anymore you two are now separate beings"
"...and ink?"
"He will die, one way or another, the world must reset.."
I didn't know what a reset was, but it sounded good maybe? Why was I asking her these things?
I opened the window and then I felt something light touch my shoulder. "I can give you one last teleport, to the spot they are in, but I can't help anymore"  she seemed so sad.
"Thank you, how though?"
"Good bye"
Suddenly with a blink. I was in the middle, between ink and the gang. Wow Altiyn right in the god damn middle. Such help!
"NIGHTMARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" cried out what I recognized was Dusts voice.
It was a mess
Killer was fighting against some skeleton that was wearing a red and black hoodie with white fluff on the hood. Dust was also fighting but he looked so broken, half his skull was gone and his arm had been ripped off.
How was he not dust, but to my horror, I saw who he was fighting. (Yes I did that on purpose)
My eyes widened so much it physically hurt, but I think the shock and confusion hurt more, cause the enemy was...
My love.
Suddenly my mouth was covered and a shhhh came from the left of my skull.
"Hush now, you don't wanna distract him do you?" I bit the hand that covered my mouth and they hissed, letting me go.
I spun to see what I think was Ink before me.
"You!" Was all I could get out before it spoke over me, rude.
"This isn't even your place, little god, I know you, you are nightmare" Ink bowed, giving me so much confusion. "You know me?" I wasn't sure how since my whole world was gone, technically I had control over all dark emotions still, but I didn't have the strength I once did.
What a beautiful twist huh?
"Of course! You are known in so many universes, so many timelines, so many stories, you are a very big threat" Ink was circling me now, making me the most uncomfortable I ever felt. "Threat?" I asked, this was confusing, I wanted out this little circle of death and help Cross, why was he doing this?!
"Lets make a deal, right here, right now, I'll stop this battle, right here, right now, and I'll even let criss cross go. If you give me your soul"
Ink held out his hand to me, with a soft grin, he looked harmless, only I knew better.
I thought long and hard, this may be the sacrifice I was told about, maybe this is my shot to save them.
"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" I asked Ink, crossing my arms in front of me. He laughed, seeming in a joyful mood, I couldn't tell what he was cause his emotions weren't even his. They seemed to come from another vessel..
I knew suddenly what I needed to do, what I had in mind. If a dead vessel could come back like this...
Does that mean I could do the same?
"Overwrite.." someone whispered, couldn't place it. Was it me?
Yes, perfect I could overwrite her death.
Okay seriously who's answering me?!
"It's Hate.."
"Yes, listen to me carefully, you take this deal and Ink will kill them all, Error is coming, You have to overwrite Ink, if you do, the vessel inside him will go to you"
Wouldn't that just be pointless? Then he could use me!
"You are alive"
Sometimes one sacrifice is better for the many....
"Yes" this time Hate had a little emotion, it was sad.
"When you go to shake his hand...say 'overwrite gaster X 1620' when you do, it will make gaster move, his soul can't be without a vessel or he will die"
Yeah okay then what?
"Then you need to kill the vessel that has him"
....why did I ask I was pretty much aware of that. 
I took Inks hand then, I'm sorry Cross.
"Overwrite Gaster X 1620"
The smile on his face went to shock in a spilt second before he let go and fell to the ground. I felt something contort in my body. I wheezed and fell to my knees, this pain, oh stars make it stop! It felt like this pain was inside my soul, clawing and tearing. I looked around quick and saw a bone from something previous was laying near me.
I knew what must be done, I crawled to it, reaching with all my strength as my other hand clenched my chest from all the pain that was coming from me. I finally had reached the pointed object. Picking it up and giving it a look, this was it huh? All this time, I was meant to die. I'm sorry everyone...
Without much hesitation I jabbed the sharp bone into my body. I knew I had hit my soul cause I heard a voice in my head scream, and I think I screamed too. It was all a blur at this point, I think I fell onto the ground. I felt the bare and hard dirt catch me. I heard voices, so many voices. My sight was going in and out, I was still in so much pain, my soul felt like it was going into splinters and my body never felt so heavy. Then I heard it, it sounded so sweet, it was words that made me want to sigh. "N-nightmare?" It was Cross, I think he was holding me cause my body wasn't laying flat anymore. I was aware of that, I couldn't see him. That's not fair. "Oh no no no! Nights you can't leave me!" Cross was so close, I wanted to open my eyes but it was like I was so distant from my own body. "NIGHTMARE PLEASE!" Cross was yelling now, I wanted to talk, tell him I'm okay, even the pain was numbing.
I felt a hand on mine, suddenly I sound see, I was surrounded by white and I was greeted by a familiar face. Altiyn.
"You did so well Nightmare...don't worry, you can rest now it's over." I felt light again, I could see again. Yet...I know I wasn't gonna be happy. Cause I left everyone unhappy. "Don't worry about's all gonna be alright now, they are strong, if not for you, they wouldn't have made it. You saved more than you think"
I smiled then, if I saved him, my brother, error, horror, dust, ink, blue, killer, everyone else. Then I'm happy that I won't be around anymore. A good sacrifice.
A good sacrifice.

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