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I sat lonesome in the throne room as Error paced, we waited for our sprite friend to arrive but to no avail. She hadn't come to any summons, we even tried just reaching her through cell, but that didn't end in satisfaction either. We needed to talk about the next step, Ink had been seen in the AU Flowerfell, which is an abandoned AU but still this was our chance! He no longer was hiding in the original undertale code. So now we could properly set up an ambush. This was not in her character, he also noticed that none of the sprites were here this morning, most of the time they would play in the throne room, either just dancing in prances from across the room to the other side or jumping on killer and making dust go crazy. That was extremely funny to watch, cause horror was way more into the sprites, petting them and trying to feed them dead animals even though they never ate. Suddenly the doors was swung open, killer and dust were rushing in with a skeleton in tow, he was smaller than most sanses, and he seemed to be wearing armor with blue gloves and a ripped up blue ascot. Oh wait I know this sans, he's apart of the star sans. He was the one they called 'blue'. What the hell is he doing here?
Then I saw it, the blood that was all over the poor kids face, he had a deep gash in his left eye socket, blood just leaked from the hole in his face down to his clothes. I hissed and sat up from my throne, this isn't a normal morning at all. "WhAt HapPened" Error quickly walked to the group of skeletons, dust and killer shrugged. "He kept saying 'ink killed her'" Dust told Error, holding blue up as much as he could, the poor kid was probably distraught. "Well he isn't gonna so much good like this" I finally got close enough to blue that he could heard me, cause his still one glowing eye light looked at me with pain being the only emotion that rested there. "I-ink killed her..." he said again, leaning heavily on dust. Dust only huffed and wrapped his arm around the smaller ones waist for more support. "Who's her?" I asked him, staring down at this poor skeleton. Blue gripped Dust shirt and hissed in pain as he tried to stand up more, I look down and see around his knee it was black and purple also the familiar look of jagged bone and blood made me realize his leg was also broken. Then with this new fire in his once pain filled eye, he looked at me head on and said the name I wouldn't believed in a million years...
"Soooooo brother!" Dream spoke to me as we sat in his new room, this one was a little different than mine, it was a bit smaller, but it was bright. The walls were white and the ceiling had sparkles sketched into it. His bed also held only white as well, white and fluffy like clouds. Maybe they did this slightly on purpose due to his bubbly and sunshine personality but who's room was this before me and my brother got here? Mental note to remember to ask Cross when he gets back. I was pouting, I usually went to all meetings with Cross. This time however, he told me to go and spend time with my brother this morning. I may have been thankful for it though, I still couldn't believe my brother was finally back with me, after all the loss I finally got something back. "Yes?" I looked up at him, I sat on the cold, dark wooden floor that seriously contrasted well against the cloud bed and cloud white walls, almost if the whole room was supposed to represent the calmness of the sky. "Remember...when you showed Cross your...scars?" Dream was fiddling with his fingers as he always done when nervous, I went ridged. I didn't want him to remember that, that must've been the worst thing for him. I was always thankful mother never took her strange sadistic nature out on Dream. "Yes...." I swallowed not sure how to even begin in this conversation. Before another word could be released into the tense air, a loud knock came from the door. "We need you! Right now! Throne room!" I could tell from the loud and booming voice it was Dust speaking. Oh no is horror stuck in the wall again? I sighed, getting on my feet. "Cmon" I said to Dream, heading out the door with Dream, more worried than I, on my heels
What possibly could be wrong?

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