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A very loud knock woke me, making me shoot up from the bed. However, when I did so my skull directly hit Cross's face causing him to wake up and hiss in pain, glaring around him to see what had hit him. He honestly look like a cat, accidentally woken up from a nap. "CRosS DrEaMs BoDy is ReaDy" Error said outside the door making me perk up, and forgot about the pain in my skull. "My body!" Dream woke up in my head, I felt his excitement, along with my own. Cross grumbled, rubbing his cheek and slowly stood up. The room was still dark due to the thick curtains coving the windows but even then I saw every detail of his bone structure as he stood, making me blush. Oh right, we had sex last night. Wait....did dream see any of that?! I felt myself about to hyperventilate. Oh my stars how did I not think about my poor brother?! Cross had only put back on his pants and black long sleeve undershirt to answer the door. As the door crept open, Error looked in with a very evil grin on his face. "aHhH so yoU finAlly did It, wonderinG whAt ThAt nOise was" he was looking at Cross but I feel personally attacked. "Error focus" Cross seemed embarrassed as well as he was awkwardly started pushing Error back so he could get out the room, Cross looked to me and winked before closing the door behind him. Now left alone, I realized I need to get dressed. I quickly got out of bed only for my body to feel achy and fuzzy. I didn't completely fall but I was stumbling. I decided to go with the hoodie and long pants Error had made, knowing in the long run this would be better than my messy clothes that were on the floor. I quickly got dressed and head to the door myself with a very excited Dream now looking over my shoulder in his ghostly form. "That was quick!" He said excitedly, I nodded in agreement. It was rather quick that his body was ready. Yet again how should I know? I never made a body before, so I don't think I'm going to really say a word about the time. I fell due to my legs still seeming to have that weak feeling as I sped to the door, quickly getting myself back up I opened the door. Cross and Error were laughing quietly about something and that made me feel for some reason embarrassed. Oh stars, are they talking about me last night in bed? Was I that terrible? I tried to escape unnoticed by them, but that failed as I felt a tentacle wrap around my waist and snatch me into the air. "Cross!" I whined as he placed me next to him, the same tentacle that was wrapped around me now patted me on the head, being replaced with Cross's arm. "So where is the new body?" I asked looking up at Cross, he grinned. "It's in the throne room! Error says it looks just like he did before or...at least that's what the maker of it told him" Cross seemed now unsure, probably because Cross has no idea what dream completely looked like before our world was destroyed. Sure, he could see Dream sometimes but even Dream to me as a ghost seemed more like his teen self than when he was an adult. Did I revert back to a teen as well? I never really noticed since we don't age all that much after the age of 20. Fun thing about being a god might I add, or when I was one. Maybe when Dream comes back to life the balance will be in tact? I'm not sure. Dream however was just so excited that he was moving all over the place. He was giddy and this was the Dream I remembered. With a grin, I looked up at Cross, if it wasn't for him, my brother wouldn't be getting a body or hell anything that has happened. I still be in that void, all alone and probably die off myself along with my world. "Come now, let's finally get this settled once and for all" Cross said to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers before giving a good squeeze. I returned the warm squeeze and blushed bright when Error dramatically went "awwwwww". Earning a glare from Cross we finally began our descent to the throne room. I didn't realize how early it was either. No one was awake right now at all, all the doors and windows were still tightly locked shut and the candles were still lighting the way of the halls as it loomed over head. It's quite a ways from my room the throne room, yet it never bothered me. I liked the walk, seeing the castles massive walls and seeing the sprites dance across the halls in a playful dance was always great entertainment. Also this was the most energetic Dream had been since his weeks as a ghost, so this stride was honestly a breeze. However Error was groaning and whining the entire time, saying they could've just teleported. I guess for Error, teleporting was as easy as breathing. Well...okay never mind, breathing wasn't even easy for Error. Wait...I don't think anything was easy on error. As we finally reached the main doors, I was getting nervous. What if they messed his body up? What if it was weird and cheap? I bit on my finger to keep my nerves at bay. Cross was silent the entire walk, what was he thinking about? Was he alright? He hadn't even responded to Error much this entire walk to throne room. It kinda unnerved me slight, usually Cross was chipper in the mornings. Maybe cause it's too early...? I couldn't tell ya. Cross snapped his fingers and the doors opened with a large creek and much protest. Dream was pretty much squealing from all the joy radiating through him.
Altiyn stood in the middle of the giant room of where only the one chair stood, honestly throne rooms are very over rated. She stood in the small circle that was engraved into the floor with a bunch of other circles, the symbols are some I personally have never seen. Even in all the books I read I never seen anything like it the closest I could come up with is olden Wingdings. Which by now is as useless of trying to translate as ordinary Wingdings.
"Is that it?" Cross asked gesturing to the body standing next to her. At first I thought that was another person but upon further inspection, this skeleton had no movement, no emotion, nothing it was hollow and empty. It did look like dream, she got every detail of his round smooth skull and his more feminine figure...however...he was taller me now, the body she made for him was taller than me. "Why is he taller?" I asked Altiyn as I approached the new body and inspected it. The clothes were odd too, they were a sleeveless vest and long cuffs that came up its arms, the vest had a long tail coming down the back. The boots seemed to be almost the same, he had long tight black pants to finish the look off. "Oh...I had to do some serious digging to get his body even close to the old Dream. I guess the height had changed sense the first draft" Altiyn answered. She seemed very out of it and tired, how hard was it exactly to make a body? I don't know, nor do I think I want too after seeing the eye bags on this woman. "Okay, now lets transfer dream" Altiyn then held her hand out to me and her other hand was touching the soulless body's shoulder. I caught on to what she wanted and took her hand. Almost immediately Dream began to fade, he was vanishing right before me. If I wasn't 100% putting my trust in Altiyn right now, I would not be this calm about seeing my brother fade from my view. Dream seemed at peace with it, his eyes were bright and his expression hopeful. As he finally disappeared, the body inhaled. His gold eye lights now glowed in the once hollow ones. "Welcome back Dream" Altiyn smiles, patting him on the back. "wElcomE DrEaM" Error said in greeting, nodding his head to him. Dream was blushing shyly and nodded back in greeting. "Thank you!" Dream bear hugged the small code reader, lifting her off the ground and crushing her in his embrace. I cleared my throat, his eye lights flashed to me and he immediately let go of Altiyn. "Brother..." Dream looked down at me we were different heights, he now was as tall as Cross. Whom of which was much taller than I. That sunk my pride a little bit. Only a little. We embraced, crying into one another as we started laughing as well. He was back. He was here. My brother was alive. He was home.
Thank you cross

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