25 year old nightmare (11k special)

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"Why won't you let me in!" Cross was outside the bathroom door, pathetically begging his lover to explain why he was hiding himself.
No answer came from the door, and it made Cross's heart break. "Do you not love me anymore? Is that it? I promise you I'll understand and we will set something up, I promi-"
The voice that was muffled by the door was ALOT deeper than the one he previously heard beforehand, making across pause.
"Oh what you know, he grew back up, told you that was gonna happen" Altyin was standing next to cross, sipping on coffee even though it was like 2pm.
"Is that the issue?" Cross suddenly laughed loudly, relief hitting him hard. "Love! We all knew you would go back to normal eventually! Lemme see"
"You won't love me" came a whimper from the other side of the door.
"If you think for one minute how you look has anything to do with how I see you, you are very mistaken" Cross quickly answered, making poor Altyin hurl. "This is getting tooooo lovey dovey for me, I just wanna see if he looks like he supposed to, also that statement made no sense" said Altyin as she self vomited rainbow confetti cause she doesn't like romance.
The bathroom door finally opened with a creak, revealing a bit taller but a lot more handsome version of nightmare. His eyes were more narrow and intense and his jawline had also sharpened, his shoulders seemed to be broader as well with a thinner waist. His violet eyes were deeper in color as they stared into Cross's surprised mismatched ones.
Cross was still taller. For some reason Nights was okay with that.
"Damn I guess it's good your not into women, you be a lady heart breaker" Altyin complimented, making a violet blush come across nights face. "Shush!" Nights voice was so much deeper, it was alluring and divine all that great stuff. Cross head was spinning cause all he could think about was the naughty things he wanted to do right now, and would be doing if Altyin wasn't here.
Damn it.
"Well, no broken code, no miscalculation, you're fine" and with that she turned and left. Giving Cross a reason to finally release the air he was holding in. He wasn't sure how to completely process the change in Nightmares body. However...Cross was more than happy to find out.
Making sure the cost was clear, Cross basically surprise attacked nights into the bathroom and closed the door quickly behind him. Before Nightmare could make any comment, Cross's mouth was on Nights, kissing him with heated passion that knocked the wind out of Nightmares chest. Nightmares face flushed with color and he greedily returned the heated kiss. Gripping onto his lover, and reeling in the feeling of now not having to be on his tiptoes to kiss Cross, this height made it perfect. Finally and against Nightmares wishes, Cross pulled away, a string of saliva connected there mouths as the panted. Coming down from their kissing highs. Yeah that's a thing. What they had no clue of is the fan girls reading this story noses just stared bleeding.
Also, the whole thing was witnessed by Error who had opened the door so that he could change PJs diaper and witnessed something he didn't want too, as he also covered PJs eyes. For some reason he made no motion or noise to alert them he was there until they had finished. "I just want to come into this bathroom for once not walking in on SOMEONE ABOUT TO FUCK!"
"DONT SAY FUCK!" Nightmare screeched, his face on purple fire. Cross had a shit eating grin on his face, staring into Errors with absolutely no shame.
"It's not good for the baby!!! Do you want that as his first word?"
"I'll have you know, he will be fine"
"Can y'all at least move your show to the bedroom so I can change the baby" Error had finally gestured to the PJ who seemed very unamused at the couple. He was grouchy. The baby barely slept and his father was being very loud. Yet the purple fire boy was being just as loud, yet his voice wasn't squeaky like a bird anymore so that was better.
"Dude, that baby looks so judgmental" nightmare whispered to Cross, making across snort.
"Of course it does, it's Errors kid after all" across laughed as said that, making Error roll his eyes. Error bid then farewell as they left the bathroom as he prepared for war with his spawn.
"He didn't seem to notice my differences" Nightmares kinda pouted on that one.
"You'll hear it later I'm sure, you know Error isn't good with seeing" Cross was squeezing his lovers hand tightly as they walked back to their room. "He isn't good at seeing..?" Nightmare presser that further.
"Yes he's kinda blind-"
"THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH OF THE DUMB ASS SHIT HES PULLED" Nightmare screeched as he thought about how many times he accidentally put pepper in his coffee instead of sugar. To the point he now just preferred pepper in his coffee.

Hey everyone break from the story really quick, all of us at switch productions wanted you to know how thankful we are for you guys being just alive and well, and the writer loves you guys a lot, and that she's sorry for no new things right now as for someone stole her mobile device at her work and she thankfully was able to get it returned to her. And she in honor of that wanted you guys to have this story piece and the next news of what's coming up next, The writer has decided she will be writing another crossmare ship based off this novel itself. Except with a bit of a twist to  the plot, same characters, different theme and plot. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry this one was short. And cut off, the writer is going through some rough spots but would like y'all to know she finally after two years got a job she actually enjoys. So thank you guys and have an awesome day and keep writing on

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