Chp 1

24 2 3

I walked through a forest my wolf was running ahead of me excited

" I guess I should give you a name huh? " I said "I think I'll call you cloud"

Cloud looked pleased with the new name and then raced ahead of me

"wait up cloud" I said as I ran behind him

when I finally caught up with him he was standing below a giant tree barking at the leaves I looked closer and was a huge tree house

" holy cow sky must have made this for us" I said amazed

I walked foward and climbed the wooden ladder and went up there was a huge open area with couches and a table bookshelves were surrounding the walls of the room I walked around the room amazed i then saw something at the corner of the room I went over to see there was a pulley system at the bottom there was a bucket that had cloud curled up inside of it he barked and I knew he wanted me to pull him up as soon as he was up he jumped out of the bucket and then ran towards one of the gray couches leaping on it and curled up on it

  I wandered into a room to see my bedroom exactly how it used to look including the Mlp fluttering plushie I turned red embarrassed for sky to put it in the room he must've known that I had it

I had kept it because it reminded me that no matter how bad my parents were they still gave me something for my birthday

I remember that birthday I had wanted a bike but instead they gave me the plus his I still don't know if it was because we were low on money then or if they just didn't care about me that much the plus his was better than nothing I guess I decided to stop thinking about it

I went and explored another room it was a kitchen I checked the fridge and it was full of various foods

Good now I won't have to kill any animals

I checked the freezer and there I saw it the most amazing, glorious, incredible sight I have ever seen...

three cartoons of mint chocolate chip ice cream

I know right it's just such a beautiful sight while I admired the view I then noticed a note on top I picked it up and read it

Dear: June

I know you like ice cream so I figured you could use some for your bad days but knowing you all three boxes will be gone in a week anywho if you check the cupboard there is some food for the wolf you have probably named it by now but whatever the pantry has some food for you as well as the fridge the tap works so you have water and there is even a garden outside it won't be easy here and I won't be able to protect you all the time so please be careful


I giggled not knowing if he knew he just made a reference to one of my favorite musicals I was happy he wrote a letter though and I was even happier that he was worried about me

I wandered into another room and saw a workshop with a huge window overlooking the garden in the room there was desks lined up against the walls with tools on them there was even a bow and a spear hanging from racks on the walls I hoped I wouldn't have to use them but I knew that I had to have a way to defend myself I noticed there was a pretty painting of flowers on the wall it was a huge painting but I thought nothing of it

I eventually wandered into the last room and it was the most amazing bathroom I had ever seen it looked like it came right from a palace it was huge with a marble floor and a bit tub that looked like it could be a hot tub as well the sink was big too with pretty countertops that had tons of beauty products on them I was tempted to take a bath in the beautiful room so I did and it was the most amazing bubble bath I have ever had

When I finished I got into my pajamas which were conveniently in my wardrobe in my room along with all my other clothes and then went to bed

------------------------------------------------------------( a week later)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I missed sky a lot I wanted to see him again and to kiss him I started to feel tears threaten to spill from my eyes so I blinked them back and got out of bed

this was not a good way to start my day I tried to think more positive and took a few deep breathes I went out of my room and went to the kitchen walking past the living room and seeing cloud asleep on the couch which was n his normal spot to sleep since I didn't allow him on my bed

I made some scrambled eggs and the smell of the food must've woke cloud up because he ran up to me wagging his tail I sighed and let his head before opening the cabinet and getting out a package of what looked like rabbit legs and giving it to him

When we finished eating we started to go do our daily chores and I went out to the garden while cloud patrolled the house and kept watch

The garden was one of my favourite things about the house it had every plant I could think of tomatoes,lettuce, watermelon and even some squash although I wasn't so fond of but I would have to deal with and a lot more I even saw tiny Apple trees lining the garden

All of a sudden cloud ran up to me barking

"What is it boy?" I asked

He looked like he wanted me to follow him so I did he brought me to a shady area which was nice because it was pretty hot outside but there was nothing there

"I don't get it why did you bring me here?"

Then cloud looked up and down again barking at the shadow

I looked up and then suddenly understood the house was above us but when I had explored the house I had never found that part of the house maybe there was a room I haven't found yet? I wondered

Cloud must've noticed the shadow wasn't supposed to be there and looked up he was really smart for a wolf

"I get it now I'm going to check it out" I told him quickly

I ran up to the house and went to the workshop it's window overlooked the garden

"So if I move over to the right" I mumbled to myself while moving to the right

That's where the hidden rooms should be I finished the sentence in my head I looked up but all I saw was the painting of the flowers I moved it and saw a tiny door with a note attached to it

Dear : June

I figured you might be bored so I made a sort of treasure hunt to get into these folks now I know you might be mad at me because you want to know what's in there but hey at least you won't be bored


He was right I was mad but I felt more sad than mad I really miss him if only he could be here so I could slap him and then kiss him

Authors note:

Surprise! I actually posted the next part of 3 Days left! You guys probably thought I died of something but in reality I'm just a master procrastinator and wanted to obsess over Dear Evan Hansen speaking of that if you got that reference congrats your awesome anyhow I'll try to post more often so yeah.. Uh..bye

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