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The wolf pack looked healthier and their alpha was a different wolf.

I then heard cloud bark at them as if saying what do you want before hearing the alpha bark back something I didn't understand. I got off of Cloud's back and went to willow before asking

"Can I borrow your neckalace?"

" Yeah." she responded

I took off her neckalace and walked slowly over towards the alpha and Cloud looked at me as if telling me to be careful. When I got there the alpha moved her head down so I could put the neckalace on her when the neckalace was on she spoke.

"Hello my name is Frost. I am the alpha of this pack and I would like to apologize for my pack's actions from before."

" oh ok that's really nice. " I said

Cloud calmed down realising that pack weren't going to hurt me.

Frost was a completely white wolf except for gray on her back and on her nose and tail. She had really bright yellow eyes.

"Why was your pack so mean before?" I asked her

"The previous alpha was mean and would make the pack hunt for him and wouldn't let them have any food. He would also make the pack fight for him even if they didn't want to."

"That's horrible!" I said

" I was a lone wolf at that time but I came across clover here who told me about him and I challenged him for rank of alpha and won." she said looking at a she-wolf who had a unique marking of a white heart on her cheek along with white paws that looked like socks. Other than that she had all grey fur and green eyes which probably got her the name clover.

"I'm glad you won." I said

" We have changed as a pack and would like to be friends with you. " Frost said

"I would love to be friends with all of you." I said

Cloud barked saying that he would be their friends and willow came running up to Frost and hugged her she tried to speak but remembered that she didn't have the neckalace on.

"Oh! Sorry you can have the neckalace back now it's a really cool neckalace and I'm guessing that sky made it since only him or another god could do it unless Asher over there did it." Frost said before letting me take the neckalace off of her.

"Sky made it for willow. Wait how did you know his name?" I asked

"All creatures know about all of the gods and their names." Asher told me since Frost couldn't respond now that I took the neckalace off of her.

"How come cloud and willow don't know all of them?" I said putting the neckalace on willow

"Well willow was never told about us but I honestly don't know why cloud didn't know"

Cloud looked at me with sadness in his eyes before barking I don't want to talk about it right now

"Oh ok then." I said to him

Asher noticed that Cloud was sad "Oh gosh I said something wrong didn't I oh I'm sorry I didn't know" he said nervously

" No you're fine it's ok Asher you didn't do anything wrong. "

"You sure?" He asked

" I'm sure."

Cloud then barked at Frost saying goodbye and she barked back before nodding at me which I took as a goodbye and a thank you  because cloud sometimes did that she then turned around and left her pack following her

"Well now we have a while wolf pack as our friends." I say

everyone just nodded before we walked back home in silence which was strange because I expected willow to be chatting up a storm we got home and the sun was starting to go down so Asher said goodbye for now and asked if it was ok if he could come back tomorrow and hang out and of course I said yes when he left the three of us had dinner we all ate alot since we skipped lunch and then we all got ready for bed and willow rushed to her new room and Cloud slept on the couch.

I went to my room and layed down on the bed and tried to sleep but it was hard to because the other side of the bed was empty. I missed him so much already. I wanted him to be here next to me cuddling with me and telling me that tomorrow was going to be a wonderful day but he wasn't there and I didn't feel like tomorrow was going to be a wonderful day. It felt like I wouldn't have another good day until he came back. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over and hugged my pillow tightly. Eventually I was able to get to sleep. I don't know how I was able to sleep but I did.

Author's note

Ok so I actually almost cried because I looked back at chapter eight and I realized that I have become emotionally attached to all of these characters and you guys are probably wondering if I cared about the characters so much then why would I make June so sad well it's because I have to and you guys should be glad I didn't end this chapter with a cliffhanger a sad ending is better then a cliffhanger....right?

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