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"June!" Willow said snapping me back to reality (oh there goes gravity)

"Huh?" I say confused

" were you even listening to me? "

"No I'm sorry I was spacing out what did you say?"

"I said that we should probably make the most of our time with sky because he will be leaving tomorrow morning "

"What!? Is it really time for him to leave?"

" yeah I'm kinda sad that he is leaving too cause then my favourite ship won't be together"

"Me and Sky can't be your favorite ship you haven't even seen other people"


I felt bad so I quickly came up with a good idea to cheer her up

"Hey do you think you would like to watch some of my favorite shows with me"


" ok calm down"

After willow calmed down we made some sandwiches for a picnic and then we heard sky and Cloud come over to us

"Sorry about that me and Cloud just had to talk for a while" sky said

"About what?" I asked curiously

Sky glanced at Cloud before looking back at me

"Um..guy stuff?" He said nervously

I looked at them suspiciously

"Whatever come help me carry this stuff outside we are having a picnic"

Sky snapped his fingers and the food disappeared

"Oh.. I forgot you could do that" I said

" Alright let's go" sky said

We went outside and saw that everything was already set up we sat down and began eating just then a huge bust of wind went by and almost blew away the napkins

"Heh sorry I just have accidentally made it windy" sky said but I could tell that something was off

The whole picnic little things would happen as if someone didn't want us to have a picnic from acorns falling on us to a bee stinging cloud and even ants trying to steal my chips no one and I mean no one can take my chips

It was only when it started raining did sky finally snap

"Frick off Kane!!!" Sky yelled

I gasped and covered willows ears "Sky!"

" sorry I'm just really mad because this jerk keeps messing with me"

"Who is kane?" I asked

" He is the god in charge of mars he is probably messing with me for payback because I let NASA put robots on his planet"

"But how can he mess with earth?" I wondered

" He is probably on the moon see if a god has a moon then it means that other gods can visit that planet only one god can visit a moon at a time that's why some planets have more than one moon because they like people to visit"

"Oh well what about mercury and Venus they don't have moons"

"Well mercury is to shy and Venus is too lazy so she just visits other moons"

"Wait did you say she?" I asked

"Yeah her and Saturn and Pluto are all goddesses"

"Oh that's cool.. wait! So Pluto is a planet!!"

" Yes and she was very offended when you guys said that just because her planet was a little different that she doesn't count"

"Oh I always thought that Pluto was a planet"

"Thanks she would be glad to hear it"

"Hey guys can we please get out of the rain now cloud is starting to get really mad" willow said

I looked over to see that Cloud was dripping wet and saw starting to growl frustrated

"Sorry" sky said before snapping and we were all teleported back to the living room

Cloud then shook his fur and water went everywhere

"Oh come on why did you do that!?" I said

Cloud have me a look that screamed its your fault you were to busy talking to remember about me

I felt a wave of guilt and sadness come over me

"I'm sorry cloud" I said and went over to him and pet him even though he smelled like wet dog

Sky snapped his fingers and we were all dry

"So is that what you guys were trying to hide from me that Kane is here?" I asked

" Yeah sorry it's just we didn't want to scare you " Sky said

"Its ok just tell me next time"

We talked for the rest of the day before we ate dinner and went to bed sky fell asleep quickly but I couldn't sleep knowing that in the morning he would have to leave I stared at his face he looked so beautiful when he was asleep I snuggled closer into him and fell asleep

Author's note

So you guys will be able to eventually know all of the gods and goddesses in the solar system but I'm thinking I'll just introduce them one at a time so...yeah be ready for that

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