Chapter Fifteen

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Ivan later led Ana outside the forest and surprised her yet again with another spectacular view. She was in awed as she stood near the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast land of Elfiro. There were no roads and highways, no billboards and skyscrapers like the ones back home. Instead, the beauty of untouched nature lay before her eyes. From afar, tall mountains surrounded the land. A river could be seen, trailing towards the side of one village. At the foot of one mountain, another cluster of trees stood, forming another wide forest. In front of it was a vast meadow that looked vaguely familiar to her.

Ivan pointed a finger towards the forest. "That is where you came from. That is where the portal to your world is."

"Oh," she managed to say, momentarily breaking her eyes away from the breathtaking view. The portal was very far from where she stood right now. It would take probably two days to get there on foot. But if she knew how to ride a horse... "Why did you show it to me? Aren't you afraid I will try to escape and go home?"

"You already accepted to marry me. I have placed my trust in you that you will not go against your word."

Right. She already agreed to marry him. She gazed up at Ivan, who was staring ahead, looking extremely proud of his beautiful kingdom. She could learn to like this place. And maybe, soon enough, she could really learn to like this elf. She was already attracted to him. Not to mention she already felt and accepted he was her mate.

She took a step away from Ivan and lay down on the grass. She closed her eyes and let the warm sun caress her cheeks.

"What are you doing?" she heard Ivan asked.

"I'm just enjoying the sun while I still can," she answered. "When I will pass my transition, I will never be able to do this. See the sun. Feel its warmness." She felt Ivan dropping low beside her, and when she took a peek with one eye opened, she saw him sitting on the grass, one knee drawn up while he stretched his other leg in front of him. He rested one arm on his knee while his other hand was planted on the grass close to her arm.

A ghost of a smile tugged at her lips and she resumed closing her eyes and basked underneath the glorious warmth of the sun. Both of them remained silent for a moment longer, until Ana felt Ivan looming over her, blocking the sun.

"Ana," she heard Ivan started. "About that -that male human you are affianced with in your world..."


"Betroth with. I want you to sever your ties with him. I want you to break your relationship with that man."

Ana's brows furrowed. Sever ties? What was he talking about? She opened her eyes and saw the seriousness on his face. "Break my-?" she was about to ask him to further explain when she realized what Ivan was referring to, and fits of laughter suddenly burst from her.

Ivan gave her a scowl. "What's funny?"


"I don't recall ever saying anything that would deem funny."

"I can't believe you fell for that!" said Ana in between chuckles.

"Fell for what?" Ivan was looking at Ana with impatience.

"About him, Xian Lim. He was never my boyfriend. He doesn't even know I exist! I just said that because you annoy the hell out of me."

"I could throttle you for your insolence."

Ana smirked. "Well, it doesn't change the fact that I fooled you."

Ivan leaned in closer to her. "As Prince of Elfiro, it is my duty to deliver a sound punishment to you for lying to a prince."

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