Don't Remember

175 9 1

Roman POV

Roman's head was swimming with thoughts... Nothing made sense. Nothing felt right. Memories and fears would collide, muddling his perception of what was real or imagined.

He saw Virgil grinning about Disney,  but the image was almost immediately replaced with that of the same persona, but he wasn't smiling anymore. He looked absolutely pissed, probably at something Roman himself had said... He always made Virgil mad, always messed things up.

For a moment he seemed to realize that neither of these thoughts were fake. Virgil had indeed been happy about Disney once... And the anger-

Roman was all at once very self aware, suddenly jolted out of his mind and remembering that they were in the middle of a video. Apparently he'd said something to Virgil, but what? He couldn't seem to remember, having been focusing on other things at the time.

Stupid, that's what this was. That's what he was. He always somehow managed to get his opposite riled up. But the funny thing was, he was hardly ever conscious of doing it. And when he was.... It just slipped out.

"... Sir Sing-A-Lot" Roman had missed the first part of his sentence, but the tone was obvious. He'd done it again and said something rude. Mean. Unacceptable.

"Hah. I like that nickname and I'm going to use it now." Woah were had that attitude come from? After a moment he seemed to remember. Right... He was Prince Roman... He always had an attitude, right? Yeah.

The video just dragged on without him. Or was he still talking? He couldn't be sure. He was never sure these days. The last full video he remembered doing was-

He couldn't remember. He didn't know... Did he remember any video? Was he even in any other videos? He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember anything.

It was like his memories were slowly being ripped away, mushed and mutilated beyond recognition before being shoved back into his skull carelessly.

"...t easy guys, peace ou..." Didn't that mean the video was over? It did, right? Yeah- .... Yeah? He couldn't be sure. Maybe. Oh well, if it didn't someone would just come and tell him. Or maybe they wouldn't... Would they?

Roman's head started pounding at one point, and he couldn't figure out who was hitting the inside of his mind with a sledgehammer. All he knew was that he wanted it to stop.

Apparently he'd said that out loud because he suddenly saw blurry figures walking towards him. That was funny... Had he not been seeing before? Why hadn't he noticed that there were only three other people. And why had his vision suddenly wavered.

Or maybe he wasn't seeing at all before and his vision was just now returning. Maybe? He didn't know.

"re you...ght?" he couldn't seem to quite understand what was being said, but he recognised the voice as Patton's. He was pretty sure he nodded or said yes or something, but he wasn't positive.

Wait, how long has he been like this? When did the world start spinning? Wait, did his eyes close? He couldn't see anything... Maybe he was asleep. Yeah.

But no, that didn't sound right. If he was sleeping why wasn't he dreaming? Maybe the sleep dude was slacking off. Or maybe whatever-his-name-was was only responsible for putting the sides to sleep. Maybe it was Romans job, as Creativity, to come up with dreams.

He didn't know. Why didn't he know? It was all so confusing... Just for the sake of it, he tried to think up a dream for himself. But- it didn't feel like a dream. He was then thrusted into what looked like a battle with a dragon witch. Funny, he'd merely made these up on the spot for one video. Or had he? Maybe it was someone else who'd come up with it. Or maybe it wasn't fake at all.

For once, being hyper aware of what was going on around him, Roman just took a second to glance at his surroundings. Apparently Logan was down, P.... What was his name? The other one... Morality, yes him. Dad was tending to Logic's wounds while Anxiety seemed to be running for his life.

A sudden thought occurred to Princey. What if he controlled everyone's dreams? While fascinating, it could also be bad, he realized. What if these dreams were half-real? Or maybe he was just imagining it all... He couldn't seem to remember was he was supposed to be doing here. Why did he have a katana with him? That was kinda weird, seeing as he didn't remember owning a sword, much less how to use one.

A wave of nausea washed over him as he watched Anxiety get impaled by the dragon witch's own sword. He realized he was probably next, and that he should probably care about that. But some nagging memory at the back of his mind was keeping him from doing so...

It was keeping him from caring at all about whether he lived or died, and there seemed to be no difference for him whether or not the others lives either. But- but he couldn't quite reach that memory. It was as if someone was purposely blocking him from accessing it, and it hurt to even try. All he could see was his brother, dead. Well good riddens, all he ever did was hurt Thomas anyways.

*906 words*
A/n damn I suck at cliffhangers
W e lp
Oop fat chance but we'll see where this goes lmao

Btw I type this up offline most of the time so if I publish multiple chapters at once... Yeah

Reee- anyways
Cya next time!

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