A Long, Long Morning

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Demian POV

When he'd hung up the phone with Patton, as you could imagine, he made a bee line for the door and was right about to leave- when he noticed he wasn't even dressed. A funny realization, really, when you took into consideration that he usually changed out of his night clothes before doing absolutely anything, as opposed to Roman, who sometimes preferred to just stay in his pajamas all day. Well- when he didn't have to go somewhere for work.

He took a moment to smile at the thought before going back up to their bedroom, intent on dressing in something a little more comfortable for going out in. After great debate, being one of those people who could take up to an hour choosing his outfit for the day, Demian finally found what to wear.

He settled on a pair of skinny jeans, which honestly didn't look that skinny on his chubby thighs, a pale yellow t-shirt, akin to the inside of a banana, with a smattering of dark green coming from the right shoulder and going down diagonally, plus Roman's old Letterman jacket from when he played football back in highschool. He frowned slightly in the full length mirror they kept in their room when he noticed that, if anything, his thighs were just getting thicker... Roman always said he found the chub cute, attractive, but De just felt... Fat, sometimes.

After a bit of thought, he decided not to change again, if only because he had more important thinks to focus on. Grabbing his phone and car keys, Demian went out to the garage and started up his car. The garage door opened and, carefully as he could, De backed out. He knew that, if he found Roman, the car may make him uneasy, but it was a risk he had to be willing to take... His husband was out there, somewhere, and he needed to find him, plain and simple.

But there was somewhere he could go, and, according to Patton, should go, first. Namely, Logan's place. Apparently the nerd lived in an apartment not far off campus of the University of Florida, but the directions Demain's brother had given him were pretty vague. He'd also been given Logan's number, but he didn't really want to use that unless proven necessary.

After about ten minutes of driving around, he gave up. Sighing in a way that Roman would probably deem overdramatic, Demian dialed Logan's number and waited.

Logan's POV

Having been doing nothing important, Logan sat down on his bed and began reading a mystery novel. It seemed to be the only thing he could do these days to distract his mind from the ever constant guilt he felt.

Sure, he called 911 when he saw the car roll, ultimately insuring survivors, but- he'd been the one to convince Roman to drink. In the end, it was his fault the car crashed. It was him who had killed a man, not Roman. And yet Roman was the one who suffered, thinking it to be he who had singlehandedly murdered his own brother, and almost his husband as well.

Logan sighed... He needed to let this go. He'd gotten paid, wasn't charged with Remus's murder, and its not like Roman or Demon were severely injured. But- oh god, he still couldn't believe he'd agreed to it in the first place.

The plan was to just get Roman drunk, and have him cause an accident. That part had gone right. But... He was supposed to be alone. If Logan had known he'd be driving other people, he never would have- ...No, it didn't matter what he would have done, should have done. All that mattered now was what he had done, and what he couldn't take back.

And, on top of that, Logan had been told Roman was a bad person. A cheater and a liar. A fraud. And he'd just listened, hadn't bothered taking the tip with a grain of salt. Stupid? Yes- An obvious mistake? Indubitably! Uncharacteristic of him? Not exactly...

After looking him up, not long after the crash, Logan had quite literally punched his monitor, destroying the screen. Roman wasn't a bad person. He wasn't a bad person at all. Actually... He was a rather good person. On top of being faithfully married to Demian Dell, now Demian Ro'Maeve, for twelve years, he'd authored so many children's and mature fantasy books that-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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