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Roman POV ((before hospital))

He was.... Lost, to say the least.

He'd woken up in bed with that- that snake, and feared the worst. When he realized he was fully clothed, however, he sighed a breath of relief. Roman didn't know why, exactly, he was in bed with Deceit, nor did he care to learn, but he quickly left.

Roman rummaged through the closet connected to the room until he found his prince costume, confused as to why it was in there in the first place, and went into the bathroom to put it on. When he'd finished and made sure his hair looked as immaculate as ever with the help of his quite grand looking brush, he left and went downstairs.

Looking around, Roman decided they must be in the Mindpalace because there was no way the Dark Side of Thomas's mind was this nice. Why- he had designed it himself, making it just as dark and gloomy as it's inhabitants. And this house... Well it definitely wasn't something he'd ever want to live in, but it wasn't horrible looking... He supposed. Maybe Patton would like this place. Yes, he decided, it was probably one of his creations... But that still didn't explain what he or Deceit were doing here.

It really didn't explain anything at all, besides why it was here in the first place. But that lead to the next question... Where was "Here"? And- and how would Roman get back to the Mindscape with everyone else? And... How had he even gotten here in the first place. And why with the snake-?

No. No- he decided he'd think about that later. For now, back to the Mindscape. Escape now, contemplate later. Yes... Good plan, okay. As Roman searched the downstairs area for anything he could possibly use, another thought came to him- why couldn't he just summon everything he needed?

After five minutes of simply holding out his hand and grunting in frustration, he sighed and gave up. Logan would have to look into that later, if he could ever get back to actually Be able to tell the nerd. Sighing once more and silently promising himself he'd try again later, Roman ran a hand through his hair and th-

"AHH-" He dropped to his knees in a blind pain, clutching his forehead. He felt a deep, pounding throb that wouldn't seem to let up. He opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as if in attempt to chase away the tears that quickly arose along with the searing hurt that had caused them. He didn't succeed.

Roman just sat there for a good few minutes, breathing heavily through clenched teeth as both hands stayed fists, grabbing at his hair. He was on his knees, hunched forward with his forehead almost touching the ground, when he heard something. Shuffling. Steps... Words. Coming from upstairs.

Deceit was awake, meaning he had to get out of here and he had to get out right now. Pulling himself together enough to get back on his feet, Roman made way for the front door. He got there just as footsteps sounded, descending the stairs. Get out. Now. Get out. Go.

Half of his brain was screaming at him to hunch back over and cry out to anyone who would listen, anyone who could help. But the other half, the half that was currently dominating, roared at him to move his ass and get out the goddamn door. Opening it as quietly as possible in his pain-stricken state, he stepped outside and closed it softly.

Roman barely got a glimpse through the window at a very familiar looking yellow bathrobe and an adorable tuft of bed head before he was running. Where to, he wasn't sure of at the moment. Anywhere but that house, Roman decided, anywhere but there. He didn't stop for a good twenty or so minutes, which by then he was forced to in order to pause for breath.

Where exactly was he in the Mindpalace? Where was the entrance back to the Mindscape- this is what he needed to find out right now. This was his top priority, but- Roman groaned, annoyed. The stupid thing about being in the Mindpalace was that if someone was there long enough, they started feeling the effects of the real world...

He'd been there overnight, and possibly a good portion of yesterday. Without a doubt, that would have done it. A hand over his stomach, Roman sighed. For lack of better word choice... He was starving. The throbbing in his forehead had subsided to that of a dull pain by now, died down enough to allow him to focus, so that's what he did.

The princely trait scanned his surroundings for anything that seemed out of place or, perhaps, anything that would lead him out of here. Contrary to popular belief, the Mindpalace actually wasn't infinite. It was more of a circle really, divided into four equal sections for all the Light Sides to do in as they pleased.

Virgil, as far as Roman knew, really hadn't done much in his cornet at all, if anything. Last time he checked, Logan only had a library in his. Obviously, it carried all the books Thomas had ever read (which was actually quite a large amount), but it was still only a library.

Roman? Well he'd created an entire kingdom in his section, dubbing himself King... He had dreams okay? Let him live them- So that left Patton, who's area he'd never bothered to visit.

He groaned quietly as he felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, accompanied by another in his head... But he couldn't summon food. Sighing, he continued on. Roman knew he wouldn't actually die from starvation, only feel it's affects. So while it would remain cumbersome... It wouldn't actually harm him.

After wandering around for a while, Roman came to a conclusion. As long as he walked in a straight line, he'd get to the edge of Patton's little world one way or another. If he got to the outer edge, he just had to walk along it until he found a gate. If he found an edge that connected with one of the other for quarters... Well then he knew he'd gone the wrong way and would have to turn around.

There was just one flaw in this plan of his, being that he literally could not walk, nor run, in a straight line. And not just because he was the gayest of them all, no... The now blinding pain in his head prevented him from being able to see straight, so there was no way in hell he'd be moving straight either.

In fact, at this point, he could barely think straight as he leaned against what looked like an ally way wall. Roman groaned quietly at the pain that just would not let up in his forehead, sliding down to a sitting position after a moment as to not harm himself further...

He didn't know where he was. He wasn't well enough to find a way back to the Mindscape. And now some goddamn buzzing sound was coming from his pocket, which he ignored...

He was so, so lost...

He just wanted to go home...

He just wanted to see Virgil, Patton, and Logan...

And he wanted everything to just be alright...

But it wasn't.

*1228 words*
A/n okay its official
Expect one or two updates a week (mostly one)
And uh- y'all tell me
Should I get rid of the a/n's?
Cos I feel like sometimes they're needed, but I also think it takes away from the effect of the story cos it "breaks the spell", so to speak, of the chapter

Yeah that's really all this time

Cya next time

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