The Funeral

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!!homophobic slurs!!
Slight alcohol abuse-
Uhm... Sad Roman :')

Demian POV

The day of the funeral finally came, and Roman was- smiling? It honestly disturbed Demian to see such a happy gesture on such a sad, sad day... But Ro didn't look happy. Sure, he wore a forced grin and managed to put a small twinkle in his eye, but anyone who knew him well enough could see he was trying not to have a break down behind the facade.

Demian had given him a pitying look as they walked towards the funeral home, which Roman pointedly ignored even though a tear ran down his cheek. By the time they were inside, neither of them were smiling and both sets of eyes held a dead look. This wasn't a happy day for anyone.

Roman walked right up to the casket, visibly wincing when he noticed it had been left close... Not even the funeral workers could fix the damage that had been done to Remus. Demian relaxed, however, when he noticed that, all things considered, Roman was doing pretty emotionally well with all this.

It wasn't until Roman's father showed his face that things started going south... Er.

Everyone always said Roman and his brother looked exactly like their dad. Sometimes the brothers hated it, sometimes they didn't care. But they could truthfully say they've never been fond of it. It wasn't that he was bad looking, he was actually quite handsome... But his attitude towards his elder son and towards others was awful.

He treated Remus like actual trash any chance he got. Bought him dark and dismal clothes, mostly ripped and secondhand. The only thing of value he owned as a child was a bright green sash that his friend had given him... That Demian had given him. It was worth quite a lot, actually. But Remus refused to sell it, even to get himself out of that horrible situation.

He kept telling De that he "can't just leave Roman with that... That monster" as he referred to his father. The thing was, though, Roman was treated very differently than anyone else by this horrid man. His dad had been convinced that Roman was going to be someone important some day. Maybe the President or some popular music artist. He didn't know, nor did he care, but he was convinced... Of course, that all changed when Roman came out as gay, but back to the point-

The man signed Roman up for everything, no cost was too expensive. Roman was pampered for his entire life, for the most part. But, in his own words "He was an amazing father to me... But a horrible dad." He had every need and want met, besides emotionally... His father made him feel forced, alone, and trapped, as he'd told Demian.

He'd said many times over how much he yearned for even the slightest touch of comfort from his father. He'd gone so far to say that even an encouraging smile once in a while could have changed his entire view of the man that raised him.

But there was never a smile back then, and there sure as shit wasn't one here and now. No, as Roman's father walked down the isle towards them, a deep frown was the only noticeable feature on his face. But when was he ever happy?

"You're... A disappointment" he drawled, getting up in Roman's face. "Nothing but a faggot and a murderer" it was quiet enough that Demian himself had barely heard, but the smell of alcohol was almost suffocating.

It seemed the smell had had an effect on Roman too, because that was when it happened... He went rigid, curled both hands into fists, and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Despite openly not approving of Roman's marriage, his father still preferred traditions. This meant he expected to be called by his first name by Roman's other. In this case, that would be Demian.

"Thomasss..." Demian winced at the slight hiss. He had been told it wouldn't be permanent, but he'd been called a snake and a cat way to much for his liking recently.

Putting his hand on the man's shoulder, he squeezed it lightly in warning. He would throw hands to protect his husband if needed, but now was not the time nor place.

Thomas shrugged it off "I don't need a snake ordering me around" he growled, then smirked when he noticed the burn marks on Demian's face. "Look at that, you got the scales and everything."

Despite how hard it had been not to punch that smirk right off his face, Demian refrained.

"There isss no need for childish playground insssultsss at thisss funeral." He told Thomas with a cold, hard, unforgiving voice. "And if you have a problem with anyone here, I sssuggessst you leave." If this wasn't resolved soon, he was sure to snap.

Thomas grumbled something unintelligible before smacking- smacking, Roman across the face and stumbling out of the funeral.

If Demian had seen even a shred of life left in Roman's eyes, it was gone now... The last thing he needed today was another reminder that he was responsible for his brother's death... But who has ever said the world was a fair place.

Wrapping his arms around his lover's waist from behind and planting a kiss on his cheek, Demian sighed sadly. "Maybe we should go home..." he whispered softly, resting his chin on Roman's shoulder. "You should ressst"

Roman shook his head "I want to be here for this" he said just as quietly, but his voice sounded hoarse... Had he been crying? Demian suddenly worried. He knew Roman would want to be there for his brother, and he knew it was out of both guilt and love. But if it was hurting him in the process, what good was it really doing?

After a few more minutes of persuasion, however, Roman finally caved... In more ways then one, as Demian later figured out. But for right now, all he saw was Roman deciding he really did need sleep, and that was good enough for him.

They went home, took a shower, and went to bed. It had been pretty late anyways but neither of them had an appetite for dinner, not that Roman had an appetite for much at all these days...

3rd Person POV

Demian fell asleep first, as usual, and expected Roman wouldn't be far behind. But he was wrong, for once... And he was wrong about something big.

Roman, wrapped in his husband's arms, just laid wide awake for the entire night. Listening to Demian's slow breathing and the steady beating of his heart, something broke in Roman. Something irreplaceable.

And so
His new reality
Began to take root

*1127 words*
A/n Owo I managed to write this in one day, what the hell?
Well okay technically half of it but still-
That's considered progress for my procrastinating ass

I'm actually pretty sure I know how I want this fic to go
(*cough* for once *cough*)
So maybe it won't be so hard to write after all :)

Also- I don't know why I decided to make this Roceit
I mean, a bunch of the plot points I'm planning on adding (and have already added) are dependent on this ship
But still

I dunno how I decided on Roceit  ╮(─▽─)╭

But anyways
Cya next time!

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