Not Your Fault

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Roman's POV ((hospital))

The Dragon witch was inches from his face, about to bite right through him, when he felt something squeeze his hand. Jolted and confused, he stepped back just before the witch snapped down his jaws.

He looked at his hand, blinking. Wasn't he supposed to have six fingers? Why did he only have five. His eyes widened as panic set in... Maybe whatever touched him stole a finger.

But wait... There wasn't an blood... No pain... Nothing. His hand looked almost regular. And yet- not. Tilting his head slightly, he noticed something on one of his fingers. A ring? It looked awfully like a wedding band. Confused, he took it off to get a closer look and-

The dragon witch knocked it out of his hand and it went flying. Diving out of the way before it hit him, Roman managed to pick up the ring again and started running.

"Roman!" He turned to see Logic waving him over. He didn't know why but... He didn't trust him. "What do you want, nerd"

Logic handed him a note "Read it... Read it and you'll know. You'll remember everything" before Roman could even respond, the logical side faded away.

Turning in a fast circle he noticed that so had everybody else... Or maybe it was just him that was gone and everyone else stayed. Or maybe- they were never there at all?

All he could see, for miles and miles around, was darkness. Pitch black... Nothingness. But he could see himself just fine.

Deciding to bench that thought for later, he looked down to find the note still in his hand. Roman held it up, only to sigh. He couldn't understand it. All these strange swirls and small pictures. He- how was he supposed to read this?

"Hey kiddo-" Morality appeared in front of him, smiling sadly."You forgot your sword" he handed it to Roman, who stepped back almost immediately upon seeing its condition.

It was completely covered in blood, as was the father figure's hand. There was something impaled on he end, which Roman preferred not to look at as he shuddered, constantly moving back.

"I don't... Want... I don-" he tripped on something and fell back "n-n-no" Morality didn't smile any longer, his face stole cold as he stood over Roman.

"This is your sword, isn't it?" The words didn't sound like his own. "You killed him, Roman. It was you." Roman shook with the attempt to hold back sobs. He didn't even know why he was sad. "It was. Your. Fault." Morality flat out growled.


The moral trait was thrown backwards from the force of Romans words, to his confused surprise, and stopped when he hit what seemed to be a wall. Roman could still only see blackness, but it no longer like it was as infinite as he had first assumed.

"YES!" Morality got back up, looking unscathed, and marched back over, practically throwing the sword at Roman hilt first. "YOU KILLED HIM. IT WAS YOUR FAULT. HE. IS. DEAD." Morality glared at him, hate filling his eyes. "It's your fault"

Demian POV

When Roman pulled his hand away, Demian tried to mask the hurt... Didn't stop a single tear from escaping, but he managed to hold himself together. He was even able to get through Roman removing his ring, seeming only to inspect it...

But when Roman threw it-
it felt like someone had slapped Demian across the face, his cheek sing from the blow. Only moments later did he realize it wasn't hurting from physical pain, but the hot tears running down his face that reminded him all to well of the first time he'd seen Roman after the crash... The only time his love had cried in an entire month.

"Roman... Love" Demian just stared helplessly as his husband's face contorted into that of pain and guilt. "It wasssn't your fault..." he hardly even noticed the slight hiss, too focused on Roman, suffering in front of him.

Roman POV

His breath quickened as his hands went to his ears, trying to block put the harsh words being thrown at him. Morality was relentless, shouting out the same thing every which way possible. Over. And over. And over again. Roman was moments from giving out entirely when a new voice broke through. A voice that wasn't loud and ruthless, but... Comforting.

"Roman... Love" He was confused at first. He didn't remember having an other, but... Did he? He opened his eyes to look around for the sound, noting that while Morality was still there, he seemed to be muted. Not a sound escape from his lips, though they still moved. He tried to avoid the horrid look on the Moral Side's face, instead continuing to search for the source of that other voice.

"It wasssn't your fault" There it was again. He attributed the small hiss to the fact that it was whispered, and began narrowing down the possibilities...

It couldn't be morality, who was still screaming silently in front of him. Probably wasn't logic. That nerd couldn't give two shits about Roman. That left Thomas, Anxiety, and... The snake.

Roman ruled Deceit put immediately. He didn't believe for a single second that the slimy serpant would ever want to help him. Dark Sides didn't help, they hindered. They destroyed... One was already gone, luckily, although he still couldn't remember how... But he had a feeling the other wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

Anxiety or Thomas. Anx... Roman had always harbored a slightly above average fondness for the darker trait. Sure he wasn't the most princely or proper character, but Roman enjoyed his company. His snarky attitude always made Anxiety fun to talk to. But that was the thing. There was no way that Anxiety, of all people, would return those feelings. So why would he ever try to encourage Roman? Anxiety was fight or flight, not reassurance.

And then Thomas. But why would Thomas be telling him that this wasn't his fault. Why would Thomas even know what was or wasn't his fault if not even Roman himself did?

None of it made any sense... He didn't know... Logic, Morality, Deceit, the Host... None of them matched... Nothing fit. Nothing. Made. Sense.

Continuing to look around in ever constant confusion, he hadn't even noticed when the person with the cardigan disappeared. Of course, it's hard to notice when someone leaves if you don't know who they are.

Turning in a slow circle, it took him a moment to realize that he was now alone... Truly, truly alone. Where even was he, or where was he supposed to be? He wished he had his hus- hus- ...What did he want? What was that one word..... Must not really be that important if he couldn't remember. Right? Yeah.


Demian POV

He had managed to dried his tears before the Doctor came in to check Roman's vitals. He was doing fine, they said, but his mind continued to lose its self. If he ever did become fully aware, there was a chance that he could remember absolutely nothing.

"Not even his name" the Doctor had said, sighing. "The trauma he received along with he concussion did a great deal of damage to his brain, specifically the frontal lobe where emotions are stored. If he can't find an emotional attachment to a memory, he's more likely to lose it. And... At the rate he's going-" she sighed "I really am sorry. It's like he's pushing the memories away on purpose. We don't think there's anything else we can do for him but hope" she handed Demian a box of tissues before leaving him be again...

Demian, at that moment, decided he finally understood what Roman felt like. It was his fault Roman was like, this. His fault his husband hasn't gotten any better... And all he could do now was watch.

He wished there was a way to forget it all...

Was there?

*1334 words*
A/n ayyy sorry if yall got the notification for this publishing earlier
I meant to save and it published....
I panicked lol

Yes I realize it's been over a week
I'm sorry :')
Here's another cruddy chap. for ya

Cya next time!

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