The Hospital

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Demian POV

He watched, feeling helpless as the tears streamed from his husband's eyes. He had been muttering nonsense for the past week, and no one knew how to fix it.

Fix. Demian hated that word. As if there was something wrong with Roman. Was there...? According to the doctors, his love had created a whole new reality inside his head to cope with the trauma of the car crash... But as his memory deteriorated from the concussion he had, so did this 'world.' No one knew how long he'd last.

It had been storming, raining violently as thunder and lightning shook the ground. It was pitch black, one the headlights on the car to guide them. Demian, Roman, and Remus were coming home from a night at the club. They had all promised not to drink, but Roman had, as De found out later, broken that promise.

He'd stayed sober enough to convince his exhausted husband that he wasn't drunk though, but it had been enough. Roman was the one who volunteered to drive home that night. No one objected, to tired to notice his slight stagger or the slur in his speech.

As Demian remembered it, first there was silence. His eyes had just barely closed before he felt them swerve off the road and- BAMCRASHBAMCRASHBOOM.

He later learned that they'd rolled down a hill, and landed in a ditch... But he had known as soon as it happened that the engine had exploded.

Remus... Remus had died almost instantly. Broke his neck, but that wasn't how he went. Groaning, he tried to reach for his brother, to make sure he was okay. All he seemed to care about was Roman, even when his neck was snapped.

Demian saw this and almost sobbed... Remus was always picking on his little brother, teasing and making fun of him. Making him feel left out and telling his friends all his secrets... But deep down, Re had never cared for anyone more than he did Roman.

That's when the engine exploded. Remus was fried, having sat in the passenger seat. Demian had been slightly luckier. He sat in the back, right behind the driver's seat. He'd managed to get out alive with only burning half his face, and cutting his cheek on a sharp piece of metal upon exiting the car.

Even sitting with Roman now, in the hospital, it was still scabbing over. He'd gone blind in his left eye, but he didn't care. He'd gotten a speech impediment, but he didn't care. Remus was dead. Gone forever... There was no getting him back.

Roman, not having worn his seatbelt, went right through the windshield before the car had ever landed, which made De think Remus must not have been able to see when he'd reached out at nothing.

His lover had only received a concussion and a few shallow cuts on his face... Demian himself, besides the face injury, had faired pretty well. No other permanent wounds.

Roman's personal Doctor had said that the fact that he'd hardly been hurt at all had done almost as much damage to his mental stability as him being responsible for Remus did. The thought hurt De's heart...

Roman was responsible, yes, but that he felt he should have gotten hurt too just- Demian squeezed his husband's hand, causing the other to tense up and rip it away. He was fully conscious, apparently, he just didn't know it. A tear slipped before it could be brushed away.

After the crash, both Demian and Roman were rushed to the emergency room because, apparently, someone had driven past and saw the car swerve away... This person, as they later learned, was named Logan. They had pulled over and called 911 immediately.

Roman's concussion had caused him to go partially blind. He could see out of both eyes, but hardly. Even glasses would barely make a dent. When De learned this and finally got to see him, he'd made the mistake of joking about how neither of them could ever see straight before anyways... Roman broke down into tears.

Demian looked back on it now and sighed. That had been the only time Roman had cried for an entire month. It was like- after that ten minutes of letting the tears loose, he was numb. He never laughed, nor cried, nor even rolled his eyes. No reaction to anything for an entire week.

Then, one morning, three days after they were allowed to go home from the hospital, Roman had woken up and smiled at Demian. He was so overjoyed at this small reaction that he'd practically covered the other's face in kisses and made him breakfast in bed.

This was how it was for the next three weeks. Roman was back to his old self, grinning, being over dramatic, and cracking bad jokes just to get De to laugh. Whenever his brother was brought up he simply waved it off, but Demian noticed how his smile would seem fake for the rest of the day.

And this was how it went, day after day... Until the funeral. Demian had worried about this day since he'd heard the dreadful news from a nurse about his friend. He'd been stressing over how Roman would react, despite his cheery mood. Actually, he was stressing because if the cherry mood.

A week in to this suddenly happy life of Romans, Demian figured it wasn't real. He knew that Roman was building up a wall around himself to protect from the pain of emotions...

De just didn't know how much it would take to crumble that wall. And he was absolutely terrified of how hard it would come crashing down.... He'd hoped the funeral wouldn't be enough to finally break Roman but, at the same time, he wanted the mask to fall from his husband's face.

He wanted to be there for his love, to care for and nurture him back to health. Both mentally and physically, if needed... But Demian didn't know how deep down Roman had fallen into the rabbit hole, and he knew that if it was too far, De wouldn't have a rope long enough to pull him back out of it.

*1018 words*
A/n This makes me seriously sad to write sometimes
But at the same time I feel like it's shit angst
Is this even classified as angst?
Uh yeah let me know-

But onto a different note
What do you guys think?
I'm not gonna lie, it kinda makes me nervous when I never get feedback on my fics.

Yeah sure, I do this because I like to write. But I'm also doing this for all of the ≈100 people who've decided to follow me...

If you see something wrong
Please tell me!
I'm always looking to improve ^-^

Cya next time!

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