SCREAM & shout (Chapter 1)

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{Before reading, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my completed story. I had been very patient and took breaks plus more improvements being made. I'm not a patient person but I will keep on doing more stories which some are coming soon and being creative keeps me going. It isn't easy sometimes creating stories. It doesn't have to be a perfect story, this isn't English class, just for fun! These characters are my actual friends, except one}
~Enjoy ❤️



Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic

*A Girl screams in the background while the title "scream" shows up with creepy music with a black background*

In the beginning, a girl named naysay and Alexandra are in Naysays house. They are doing they're homework for the economics class. The homework is about stocks and bonds questions. Naysay struggles on the fifth question out of ten and gives up at the moment.

Naysay: I can't do this shit no more. I'ma stop before I get angry, can we take a little break?

Alex: Sure Whatever....

Naysay: I'm gonna go get a snack in the kitchen, want some?

Alex: sure

Naysay: hey you good? You've been acting strange since school today

Alex: it's just, honestly nevermind, I don't wanna say much right now

Naysay: It's okay I feel you, you don't have to tell me. I'll get some snacks I'm starving.

Naysay gets out of bed and leaves her room. At the kitchen she opens the cabinets and there's Twinkies, cereal boxes and hot Cheetos. Naysay grabs 2 bags of hot Cheetos.
Naysay returns in the room.

Naysay: here

Alex: Thanks. Hey my mom texted me while you were getting us some snacks. She said she's on her way to pick me up.

Naysay looks up to her face quickly and then nods

Naysay: Really? Man okay, I wanted you to stay longer.

Alex: I know but, you know how my mom be like.

Alex laughs and Naysay smiles.

Naysay: You right boo. Hey speaking of boo I really cannot get over my crush like he's so cute!

Alex: here we go...

Alex rolls her eyes but laughs after

Naysay: WHAT!? he's one fine-

Alex: Anyways, since you said "boo" you going to the Halloween homecoming dance?

Naysay: No, I'm waiting for prom actually, it's more worth it since it's our last year of school. Miguel told me.

Alex: oh.. what about trick or treating?

Naysay: Girl no but Miguel is having a Halloween party on the 31st, which im definitely going.

Alex rolls her eyes. Then, her phone dings.

Alex: oh my mom's here, bye love.

Naysay: damn already? Ok bye, Remember to buy me a snack in our economics class

Alex: Gotchuuu, alright bye

Alex hugs naysay then exits out naysay's house. Alex then gets confused as she doesn't see her mom's car. She pulls out her phone and calls her, no answer.

Alex: what the hell?!, Come on answer mom!

Alex gets frustrated, then her phone rings, she thought it was her mom but it says "unknown number". She answers, hoping it's her mother while she's walking down the sidewalk.

Alex: hello?

Ghostface: Hello how are ya?

A strange creepy voice talks to Alex on the phone, Alex gets a little worried, then realizes it can be another prank from her mom.

Alex: Mom is this you? Come pick me up I'm not in the mood to play games today

Ghostface: what's your favorite scary movie?

Alex: It's called I'm hanging up the phone--

Ghostface: HANG UP ON ME YOU'RE DEAD..... Alex

Alex starts to get anxious and looks around the streets.

Alex: how did you know my name?

Ghostface: You don't need to know..... I... see.. you..

He laughs creepily, Alex hangs up the phone and walks slowly then runs faster back to naysay's house. As she does, her phone rings again. She ignores it but then she hears someone running closer and closer. She turns around and sees ghostface and screams in fear and terror.

She runs faster and screams, she goes up to naysay's door, rings and knocks hard

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She runs faster and screams, she goes up to naysay's door, rings and knocks hard


Naysay doesn't hear her screaming as she is listening and jamming to music while finishing up her homework. Alex gives up and runs away. Ghostface is catching up to her and Alex turns around one more time and ghostface stabs her.

Alex: Leave me alone please, SOMEONE HELP!

Alex screams, then she falls and grunts. She tears up,  she gets up butbthe killer gets closer and reaches to her leg and tripping her. She asks why is the killer after her and will kill her. Alex grunts as she can't speak much no more, dying slowly.

Ghostface: Tell me where is Miguel?! NOW!

Alex: I don't know... were not friends anymore how should I know...

Ghostface: Then I guess I'll have to finish you off.

Alex screams one last time as ghostface slashes her body, stabbing her many times. Ghostface runs away. The scene slowly shows Alex dead body, then creepy music in the backround. afterwards, the scene fades.

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