Whats the SCREAMeaning of this? (Chapter 10)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic
The killer revealed:

Miguel's eye gets wider as he sees the killer reveal his mask. Taking the mask off slowly, The killer is jankarlos. He smile's very creepily  towards Miguel. Miguel gets into shocked and gets uncomfortable.

Miguel: it's you!? Your joking right, haha this is a Halloween prank right!?

Jankarlos: I just killed your date behind you slow ass.

Miguel: He was in on it pretty sure

Jankarlos: he's dead bitch. With His ugly ass like you

Miguel: But why? What did I do to you!? You look so innocent and skinny like me to be killing people. Your a good noodle as people said before I guess. Your shaped like a noodle like me HA

Jankarlos: Oh shut the fuck up mr. playing the victim with your stubborn self

Miguel: what

Jankarlos: look, You always take away the friends and I'm just trying to talk to them but again you always make them pay attention to you. Your like popular

Miguel: still confused right now. I'm not popular I'm just like any other student but I'm very chill and anxious and quiet for the most part.

Jankarlos gets angry and stabs his bed towards Miguel.

Jankarlos: LISTEN, I do not like how I'm always picked on for being too damn quiet, barely getting recognized or noticed in school.

Miguel: Your being so ridiculous right now, I'm basically feeling that way too and I'm not even complaining. Yeah I kinda am use to but I'm just going with the flow. Why can't we be friends?

Jankarlos: You never seem to care to text me or anything! Your such a slow dumb bitch too. The fact that you didn't even notice anything about me. First off, When I told you I can only trust you is because your so easy to fool and shit and What's the word? "gullible" your so gullible!

 First off, When I told you I can only trust you is because your so easy to fool and shit and What's the word? "gullible" your so gullible! ——————————————————————————Evidence:

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Miguel: Looks who's being so sensitive which is usually me though.

Jankarlos: Oh my god who cares your not the only one who's like that in the world. How did you even know I was coming to the party?

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