SCREAMischievous (Chapter 8)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic
While the guys go to party City, nagelys, Lei Anna, and jankarlos surprisingly goes as well but without Miguel knowing. It is nagelys idea to surprise Miguel for what reason? Nagelys mom just dropped them off in front of the store.

Jankarlos: Why are we going to Party City?

Lei Anna: Miguel's party is in a few days but I think he's got it under control by now since it's this Friday night.

Nagelys: guys! Yeah I wanna help him out but I'm just honestly scared. We lost three of our friends.

Jankarlos: They not my friends sadly

Lei anna: close friends?

Jankarlos: Sure you can say that I guess

They continue to walk around the store while jankarlos is a little upset. Nagelys looks back at them and explains,

Nagelys: So basically I think his party theme is-

Miguel: Is none, I don't want a theme I changed my mind sorry nagelys I would of text you that yesterday.

The guys enter the store and Miguel seen nagelys and overheard her

Nagelys: Jesus you scared me!

Miguel laughs and Roldan walks away to find the Friday the 13th area.

Nagelys: I thought you were gonna do a theme? That's what you told me sis.

Miguel: To he honest why does it matter. What if I'm next what if you are next!?

Lei anna: she told us she was scared so badly she brung us all together

Nagelys: Okay snitch

Lei Anna rolls her eyes

Nagelys: Well why not though? We can figure out who's been killing our friends and why?

Aneudee: Can we please hurry before my dad gets mad I took his car without permission

Everyone splits up. Nagelys with Miguel and everyone else alone around the store helping out Miguel to buy cups and more.

Aneudee gets a call from his father. He gets nervous and answers.

Aneudee: hello?

Ghostface: Hello friend!

Aneudee: dad not the time to prank me right now

Ghostface: oh your such a daddy's boy huh. Your daddy is dead

Aneudee: WHAT

The party City employee tells aneudee to shush and to take the phone call outside. Aneudee leaves the store and resumes the chat

Aneudee: listen you fucking bitch, if you did something to my dad your fucking dead meat!

Ghostface: oh really? I'm scared but you should be the one who will be a dead meat.

Aneudee: I swear I'll drive right now and find you!

Aneudee gets in his car and starts it.

Ghostface: I wouldn't do that if I were you

Aneudee: Do what?-- SHIT--

Aneudee can't control the car and for that reason is because ghostface had put nails on the car.

Ghostface: Goodbye

He hangs up and aneudee calls Miguel and he tries while driving and then crashes into another car and he flies out of the car through the window. He didn't have a seatbelt since he was in a rush. Therefore he is dead. Onto the next scene, aneudee's father is found dead back in the house by the police investigation. the ambulance is on the way to the car crash. Back at party City

Miguel: You sure you willing to pay some of the things I've got

Nagelys: Yes for the last time boo!

They both hug and Roldan returns.

Roldan: Yo you guys um so aneudee's mom just called me and aneudee had a crash in the highway. And his dad was found dead in the house

Miguel: What the hell

Nagelys: Why did he leave?

Roldan: I don't know! How we gonna leave now?

Nagelys: my mom can pick us up but I don't think if we all fit. So is Miguel, you and me, Lei Anna and jankarlos.

Miguel: So one of us have to take a bus.

Roldan: I mean well I can call a Uber

Nagelys: oh okay thanks Roldan

Lei Anna: there y'all are I got lost. Just like when I can never find my mother in the stores

Lei Anna laughs for a sec and sees the others with a serious face.

Lei anna: uh ight I'll just leave but did I miss something? Whats wrong

Miguel: Aneudee was in a car crash

Lei anna: WHAT

Jankarlos then finds the group and approachs to them.

Jankarlos: Hey Miguel you want this to your party? Oh What happened, looks like y'all seen some ghosts or something

Nagelys: Ghost... Ghostface probably was in the car with aneudee!

Miguel: That's ridiculous but it makes sense at the same time though

Nagelys: Yeah because ghostface is such a mischief. He couldn't just dipped on us right

Roldan: Ive seen him many times dip depending on what he dipped on for but I'm not sure about why he left us at this time.

Nagelys: Lets just go, I'll buy All of this ok Miguel?I'm buying it don't argue with me again

Miguel shakes his head. Few minutes later, nagelys finished paying for the items and everyone exits the store. Nagelys mother arrives few minutes later and sirens of ambulance go off in the background and the only person who notices it is Roldan and miguel. They look at each other nervously and then continues to go in the car. As everyone one by one gets home, Miguel arrive home last. He showers and afterwards, he finishes all of the decorations ready for the Halloween party on Halloween night. An hour later after Miguel played fortnite (which is a dead game) he receives a phone call from jankarlos.

Jankarlos: MIGUEL, the killer just called me earlier and I'm so fucking scared.

Miguel: Stay calm dude. Come over at my place.

Jankarlos: I would but my mom is strict, especially to what is happening!

Miguel: Stay safe. Remember tomorrow is my party at 8pm.

Jankarlos: okay I know damn

Miguel: bring your friends too or family members!

Jankarlos: uh OK

Miguel: Im sorry damn I was trying to calm you down by distracting and reminding you about my party

Jankarlos: I appreciate that. I'm glad I have someone behind my back. Only you I can trust. okay gotta go.

They both hang up. Miguel continues on his game.
Next scene takes place at roldans home. He gets out the shower taking his sweet time and he hears a loud banging on the door.

Roldan: Yo I swear I'm gonna kill you Mr. Ghostface

He quoted with his fingers. The banging continues as he grabs a knife from the kitchen and puts his pants on. He's Shirtless and nervously walks closer and closer to the door.

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