SCREAMiguel (Chapter 2)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic

*Next scene begins*

This scene takes place in the morning. It's October 15th and the scene shows Miguel's home. Miguel wakes up from his alarm ringing at 6:45am. He moans and sighs. In his mind he's over School and its only the beginning. He stops the alarm and then checks his phone. He sees his notifications and it shows some of his friends name on Snapchat. He clicks on Lei Anna's name and reads the message. It states, "MIGUEL, i know you aren't friends with Alexandra but she got murdered... Really bad, I know you still care for her but it's going on the news." Miguel exits the Snapchat app, leaves Lei Anna on seen and goes in complete shock. At first he thought it was a joke but he remembers that Lei Anna would never joke about stuff like that. He tears up and checks the news on Google. There's many videos of the news, Miguel clicks on the channel 2 news video.

Newswoman: In other news, a teenager has been brutality murdered last night taken place at 8:36pm. Police investigates--

Miguel exits the video and turns off the phone. He leaves his room to brush his teeth. Minutes later, he changes into different clothes. He finishes but he has no appetite to eat breakfast as he's sick to his stomach about Alexandra getting murdered. His mother enters the room.

Mother: I've seen on the news, a girl in your school got killed. Did you know her?

Miguel: Yes she was my best friend before but she had cut me off. It's a long story mom, but I've been better without her honestly but yeah that's crazy...

Mother: Please be careful going to school okay?

Miguel's mother exits his room and closes the door. Miguel sighs and continues to go on his phone until he has to leave to school. It's 7:45am, Miguel leaves the house and walks to his destination which is the bus stop. As he waits for the metro, he gets a phone call. He looks on his phone and he ignores it as it said "private number". The metro bus is arriving, miguel got in the bus, sat down and few moments later, he receives a text. Thinking it was one of his friends, it wasn't. He read it, it stated, "Answer the phone! I'm coming for you, just like I did to Alexandra. Miguel wasn't sure if this was a prank or not. Either way, he was getting a little Anxious. 10 minutes later, he gets off his stop and walks to school. He sees Naysay at the distance.

Miguel: Naysay! Over here

Naysay looks up, smiles but then looks depressed. She walks towards Miguel.

Naysay: I thought you were taking the 32?

Miguel: I would, but I'm in the mood to walk today

Naysay: I just can't believe she's gone. I just wish I wasn't listening to music. I needed to finish up my homework, I feel like it's my fault. I wish I didn't see her dead body near my house...

Miguel: Please don't be upset, I don't wanna cry with you... And it's not your fault! You hear me?!

Naysay: yeah

Naysay wipes her tears. They walk at the trail, half way through the trail, Miguel gets another phone call from "unknown number". He declines.

Miguel: I keep getting calls by this private number. It's pissing me off

Naysay: Then block the number stupid

Naysay said

Miguel: whatever

Miguel unlocks his phone and as he goes into the recent calls to block that private number, he accidentally answers the private number when they called again.

Miguel: SHIT, i Just answered by accident

Miguel whispers and Naysay looks at him nervously.

Ghostface: Hello miguel, glad you picked up.

Miguel: Listen I'm not in the mood with your pranks

Ghostface: IT'S NOT A PRANK, HANG UP ON ME AGAIN I DARE YOU! Your gonna die either way. You hear that Naysay? your next

Naysay: What? How did he know my name?

Ghostface: I see you

Naysay and Miguel looks back, no one's there

Miguel: Alright, I'm hanging up!

Miguel and Naysay runs to school.

2 minutes later, they arrive to school and enters the school. The security guards scans every student for any weapons.

Naysay: I'll see you later

Naysay gives a hug to Miguel.

Miguel: Bye

Miguel walks to his locker, his friend Nagelys taps his shoulder.

Nagelys: MIGUEL!

Miguel looks back with a serious face then sees Nagelys with a shocked and happy look

Miguel: NAGELYS??!! What are you doing here!

They both hug and Miguel tears up a little.

Nagelys: I switched schools

Miguel: Wait? It's senior year why would you?

Nagelys: I had good grades, I didn't really like my school much anyways and less friends and my school and my mom actually agreed so what?

Miguel: Whatever, im so happy your here it's been so long

Nagelys: I know! We haven't seen each other since like when?.. 8th grade graduation!. Anyways, I have a suprise for you

Miguel: Isn't you been here enough of a suprise

Nagelys laughs

Nagelys: Omg, but um I texted roldan for him to come here

Miguel: why? We just started school.

Nagelys: The thing is, they live here again! That was a suprise for the both of us actually haha

Miguel: Wow

Nagelys: He's gonna be in this school too

Miguel: You lying! What

The 1st bell rings

Nagelys: Gotta go

Nagelys hugs miguel, then she leaves. With Miguel still having a smile on his face, he gets a text from ghostface and it states, "I'm coming for you, you shouldn't of hanged up"
Miguel rolls his eyes. He still doesn't realize it's the killer. With him being dumb, his friend roldan texts him and states, "Yo send me your schedule!"
Miguel rolls his eyes but takes a screenshot of his schedule on the school website. Roldan texts him again. "Yoooo we have a class in 2nd period" Miguel texts him saying, "Okayyyy". Miguel closes his locker and goes to his homeroom class/ 1st period class.

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