SCREAMaturely (Chapter 7)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic
{Chapter 7 is short} my apologies

Roldan and Miguel and aneudee arrives at aneudee's home. His dad tells them they can't sleep over and he will be back later at night. Aneudee tell his dad he's fine with it and grabs his keys to open the door. They all enter the house and aneudee's dad drives away.

Aneudee: Welcome to my house, well roldan you've been here before but miguel make yourself comfortable buddy. Don't be scared to ask for shit

Roldan: Damn dude I haven't been here I'm awhile and you rearranged alot of stuff

Aneudee: Yeah but it was mostly because of my mom. You guys want pizza? I can cook or?

Miguel: Pizza is fine, where's your room I'm trying to play!

Aneudee: Upstairs, roldan show him I'ma order right now.

Roldan: Aight

Roldan and miguel goes upstairs and then comes in aneudee's room. Miguel looks a bit disgusted how messy his room is

Roldan: My room way better don't worry. Just saying if you ever visit my house. So about Naysay?

Miguel: Uh anyways I mean this could of been worse what about--

Then a loud crash can heard downstairs. Roldan and miguel look at each other for a second then runs downstairs. Miguel asks if aneudee was ok and they both saw aneudee laying in the floor dead with his eyes open. Miguel screams and roldan pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls 911.

Aneudee: GOTCHA! dumbasses

Miguel: WHAT the hell

Roldan: Brooooo I swear I'm leaving.

Aneudee: I got y'all good!

Miguel: This isn't funny dude this is real life.

Roldan: Exactly I literally almost died when the killer came at my girls house.

Aneudee: But the look on Miguel's face was priceless

Roldan then laughs and miguel rolls his eyes but then his alter ego pops out for a sec.

Miguel: Shut the fuck up you ugly ass nerd always bragging about your girlfriend and shit being a daddy's boy thinking you the shit--

Roldan's eyes opens up and Miguel's breathe runs out and then he sits down. Aneudee's expression was ugly but then came at miguel

Aneudee: You good? I could slap you right now but I wouldn't do that to my bro...

Roldan: that wasn't him technically it was his alter ego. I have one too.

Miguel: Well yeah but I've been going through so damn much. I don't wanna talk about it. I hate repeating myself.

Aneudee: Let's just go to party City for the decorations for your party. We'll come back and just play and then sleep.

Everyone leaves and goes straight to the bus stop.

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