SCREAMing (Chapter 4)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic

Ashanti: Hey mom. Lemme drive this time.

Mom: Okay honey

Miguel: Oh yeah, I forgot you drive Ashanti. I've seen your Snapchats. I don't know how you can drive, my anxiety can't take the pressure.

Ashanti laughs

Lei Anna: Your slow Miguel, how did you forget she drives dummy

Miguel: Um obviously I'm slow and I forget things easily sometimes, but you can't be talking because your way slower than me

Lei Anna: Take that back!

Miguel: NOPE no take backs

Nagelys: Anyways, can we go

Everyone gets in. Ashanti's mother questions them where exactly they were going.

Ashanti: I already texted you the information mom!

Miguel: What information?

Ashanti: The reason why were all here together going to my house.

Lei Anna: Can you be any slower today miguel

Miguel: You wanna fight? Because we can take this outside

Lei Anna: Sure! But it's cold outside...

Nagelys: It's not even that bad girl

Ashanti: Do y'all wanna continue arguing or do you actually wanna come to my house? I can take you back.

Everyone gets quiet.

Ashanti: That's what I thought

10 minutes later, they arrive at Ashanti's home. Ashanti's mother drives the car again going back at her job.

Ashanti: Welcome to my house, please feel comfortable, no need to be scared, I'm talking to you miguel.

Miguel: Yeah Whatever

Lei Anna: Wow it's nice. No I'm not just saying that it's actually pretty nice

Ashanti: Gracias

Lei Anna: Te nawdah

Miguel: It's de nada

Lei anna: I'm sorry but was I talking to you? Because it looks like I was talking to Ashanti

Ashanti: OKAY, let's go to my room.

An hour later at Ashanti's home, Ashanti brings snacks and papers and pens to write down clues, etc.

Ashanti: Oh! you know what I forgot?

Miguel: Drinks, I'm thirsty as hell

Ashanti laughs for a quick second but gets serious again

Ashanti: Well maybe but No, I should of brought Naysay as well

Lei Anna: She wouldn't even fit with us in the car

Nagelys: Why do you wanna bring her?

Ashanti: Because! Alex died near her house and Alex was with her before it happened.

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