SCREAMind your business (Chapter 5)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic

An hour later, Miguel wakes up from his nap. He checks his phone and has 105 missed calls and his phone is very low. He gets up very quickly and charges it. Miguel gets out his room and his mother calls him over the living room.

Miguel: What do you want?

Mother: I'm leaving later tonight for a vacation I told you about with some of our family members

Miguel: Your gonna leave me home alone while there's a killer out there?

Mother: You can come you know

Miguel: really?

Mother: No there's not enough room and tickets but just be careful, lock the windows and doors when I leave

Miguel: Even Alicia and Rafael is going?

(Miguel's sister & brother)

Mother: Yes, look we planned this for awhile and you don't fit with us

Miguel: This is ridiculous, if I die don't do a funeral for me!

Mother: Miguel! Don't say that!

Miguel: I'm serious, I'm gonna go shower now and cry

Miguel goes back to his room and gets his clothes and a towel to shower. Before he starts to get in, he hears his mother yelling at him

Mother: Im leaving! I'll come back next week be careful and I gave you some money for food.

His mother leaves the house and Miguel gets a little nervous but gets in the tub and showers. Ten minutes later, he gets out the bathroom and hears his phone ring. He answers.

Miguel: Hello?

Ghostface: Hello Miguel, Are you enjoying your time alone at home?

Miguel: I swear to God if you come over here I'm calling the police

Ghostface: Miguel Miguel Miguel.... Always whining about everything, now what would your daddy say?

Miguel: Wait what?

Ghostface: Oh nothing, he's in Puerto Rico right?


Ghostface: You know, I was gonna go to your house but I'll just keep on teasing you when I'm killing the next person now I wonder who's the next person, could it be roldan?

Miguel: Stay away from my friends! They don't deserve this shit

Ghostface: Oh I'm so scared, goodbye

Ghostface hangs up and miguel texts roldan quickly. Next scene takes place at roldans girlfriends house. His girlfriend starts to take off roldans clothes

Roldan: Yeah babe, keep going

Roldans phone vibrates.

Roldan: Man who calling me?!

Roldans Girlfriend: We got plenty of time don't worry

Roldan answers the phone and leaves the room half naked

Miguel: ROLDAN, leave your house! And come to mines

Roldan: woah hold up dude, I'm busy right now, I'm at my baby's house

Miguel: LEAVE the killer is coming for you

Roldan: I ain't got no time for games bye

He hangs up and miguel gets Anxious.

Roldan: Alright baby, baby? Where'd you go?

Screaming can be heard downstairs. Roldan rushed downstairs and See's his girlfriend in the floor Getting stabbed by ghostface


Roldans Girlfriend screams one more time and ghostface slices her throats. Ghostface looks up at roldan and runs towards him

Roldan: Oh hell naw get the hell away!

Roldan runs back upstairs, enters his girlfriends room and locks the door. He then opens the window and ghostface slams down the door.

Roldan: Damn this dude strong the fuck

Roldan breaks the window screen and jumps out. He hurts his left foot but continues to run. He cries a little and calls his mom while running.

Roldan: Mom pick me up please im hurt and the killer almost got me.

Back at Miguel's place, miguel turns off his light and lays in bed. Before he goes to sleep, he sees his phone turn on and roldans name pops up on the phone. Se

Miguel: What do you want, I'm tired, and it's almost 10:30pm

Roldan: Im sorry I didn't believe you but ghostface came in my girls place and killed... Her

Miguel: oh my god! I thought he was joking but man I'm sorry, I told you! Where are you now?

Roldan: my mom is on her way to pick me up I'm just running still, I'm trying to find a place to be safe

Miguel: Man what the hell does this killer want from me...

Roldan: I knew my dumbass should of not came back!

Miguel: yeah your such a idiot Man. I'm gonna sleep, tomorrow Saturday I have to plan this party soon

Roldan: Boy you sure you wanna do your party after this mess were going through?

Miguel: I want to enjoy my party before I die dude

Roldan: you ain't gonna die, we got this. We finna kill this bitch!

Miguel: Thank you. Ok goodnight hoe

Miguel hangs up the phone and goes straight to sleep. Roldan Finally sees a corner store and goes in to stay safe. He buys two bags of hot Cheetos. At the hospital, nagelys comforts Ashanti's mother.

Nagelys: In really sorry for your loss, she was such a great friend and inspirational.

Ashanti's mother: Please don't apologise, I know she was. Thank you. Im praying that this psycho doesn't kill no one else. Why haven't the police got em?

Nagelys: I really don't know. My best friend miguel is trying to figure it out with our friends.

Ashantis mother: Oh that's good! Please be careful tho

Nagelys: We will.

Nagelys checks her phone and her mom has arrived at the hospital to pick her up. The next day, it's Sunday and Miguel wakes up. He starts to worry since he's home alone. He thinks about yesterday when roldan called him if miguel would still want to do the party. He decides he will still do it and gets out his room to brush his teeth and eat breakfast. 20 minutes later, he checks his phone after finishing up his YouTube videos. There's many missed calls from Lei Anna. Miguel calls her back.

Lei Anna: Finally! Listen miguel, there's something bad, something sick.

Miguel: What? What happened!?

Lei Anna: You might wanna come at ashantis house, there's a dead body hanging.

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