hallowSCREAM party (Chapter 9)

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Main character: Miguel = ?
Roldan = serious/curious/mysterious
Nagelys = shy/funny/calm
Naysay = funny/chill/athletic
Jankarlos = quiet/cool/chill
Aneudee = Annoying/smart/talkative
Ashanti = Popular/chill/funny
Lei Anna = chill/funny/sarcastic

Roldan gets closer to the door, he opens it very slowly and behind the door is his mother. Roldans mother gets scared and Roldan drops the knife and moans in relief.

Roldans mother: Why do you have a knife!? Don't prank me like that it's not funny.

Roldan: *Laughs* Oh my God mom I thought you was the killer my bad. I got scared because me and miguel lost so many of our friends.

Roldans mother almost hits him but hugs him instead and tells him to stay safe. They both stop hugging and Roldan closes the door while his mom grabs the groceries and gets back inside the house. Onto the next scene, nagelys gets out the bathroom after finishing brushing her teeth and then she calls Miguel. Miguel answers a few seconds later.

Miguel: Nagelys? You ok?... why did you call!

Nagelys: I just wanted to make sure your ok actually. I'm getting so anxious about this whole killing situation and I think I'm not going to be able to sleep.

Miguel: Yeah me neither but tomorrow is Friday thank GOD. And I just finished my party decorations and organized everything. I just hope my mom doesn't find out.

Nagelys: Oooouu you sneaky huh. Well let me not bother you, goodnight boo

Miguel: your not but I am tired, Night nagelys

They hang up and miguel goes straight to bed. It's now morning and the scene takes place at Lei Anna's house. She wakes up groaning because she's not a morning person. But she thinks about Miguel's halloween party and gets ready faster. She hopes the time goes by fast. She snaps a selfie in Snapchat and the caption states, "Time better go by fast today! Very excited for the party @ miguel! 🥰". 20 minutes later, she's ready to go to school and she puts on her headphones and puts her phone in her coat pocket. She exits her home. Minutes go by and Miguel is waiting for the 32. It arrives and he enters the bus. He sees Lei Anna but her boyfriend is not present next to her. He sits next to her and she has a disgusted look towards him. She looks up at him after looking at her phone but smiles afterwards.
(that's how she rolls)

Lei Anna: Hey miguel!

Miguel: Hi um not to be in your business but where's your boo? Y'all always sit together in the bus. I be peeping y'all because you guys are literally couple goals!

Lei Anna: um.. he's obviously not here why ask?

Miguel: nothing just curious

Lei Anna: Ok?.. weirdo

Miguel was gonna ask her if she thinks it's her boyfriend that's been killing everyone but he chooses to keep his mouth shut. As school goes by 3 hours, it's now lunch time. Lei Anna is sitting with Roldan. They chat and Miguel approaches to them.

Miguel: Can this day go any faster. Yes I seen your Snapchat Lei Anna don't think I didn't

Lei Anna: uh, but right! I'm so excited I legitimately can't wait to eat all that candy. You do got candy right!?

Miguel; no duh I also will have ice cream cake it's my favorite.

Roldan: yo I can't believe you still finna do your party after our friends just died and this killer is-

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