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Sometimes the complete entity of space amazes Lance. The idea of space, and how expansive it is; especially with how it just seems to go on and on forever, would always entrance Lance when he was a young child, as he used to spend all of his time stargazing at night with all of his siblings. To Lance space had always been a never ending thought for, like an unattainable dream that was always just slightly out of reach for him. Lance never thought that he could actually make it there, and that he would be stuck on Earth for the rest of his life. The day that he was excepted into the Garrison was one of the happiest days of his young life at the time. It was even better than when his Mami' used to let him lick the spoon first whenever she would bake cookies or cakes before his Papi' could take the bowl away from her. So space had come to remind him of an old friend that's always there for you in your time of need, regardless of what's going on at the time. That thought always seemed to help calm and soothe him whenever he was partically lonely or homesick. Then there are the times that space has turned out to be the form of another super villain to him, just like the Zarkon and the Garla Empire. At the same time that space was a like a warm welcoming friend that, it also happened to be a cruel, cold, painful and powerful mistress. And she seemed to be very interested in all of the ways that she could make Lance's life a complete and utter living Hell to him. Especially on those occasions where he feels very lonely, homesick and very outta tune with the rest of the world and his team. Which seemed to be happening a lot more lately now, what with the pressure of the war and to defeat the Garla looming over his head constantly. During those times, space really seems like what in reality it is a vacuum, a vacuum that just sucks up everything in it's path and destroys it in a blink of an eye. In those rare time, that have been becoming more frequent lately It can feel like that space was beginning to suffocate him. It's like he can't escape it's pull no matter how hard he tries, and that just makes Lance have a unsettling feeling of unease. Sometimes he worries that space will just suck him up like the rest of the universe and he'll be destroyed like everyone else. In Lance's worst days Lance fears that he'll be lost and trapped in space for forever, and that he'll never get to see his family ever again. He constantly worries about how his family must be worried sick about him and how they probably think that he's dead now, and is gone forever. And worrying about how he must of "died." On those nights Lance cries himself to sleep at night.

Which brings Lance to where he is now, wandering the halls of The Castle of Lions late at night. Lance had started getting into this habit not that long after the thrill of being a defender and savior of the universe had finally began to wear off. Walking through the halls at night when everybody else was asleep in their rooms, has always seemed to put his mind at ease. After those walks he'd always sleep like a baby. Walking the halls at night gave Lance's brain something to do, it was an activity to keep him occupied. Having a mixture of ADD and ADHD can sort of do that to a person. When he was little, his parents had him on meds to try and control it, but he didn't exactly remember to bring them with him when him, Hunk, and Pidge had snuck out of the Garrison the night that Shiro crashed landed in the desert. Though it was a good thing that he brought his Fidget Spinner with him in his pocket to help him when he gets overwhelmed in situations. Having his little stim toys with him, made being away from Earth just a little bit easier on him. And so far nobody had really paid that much attention to his spastic behavior, and has written off as him just being him. Deep down Lance knows that the team is like a second family to him and that they would never mock him for his condition, but it always made him anxious whenever Hunk would bring up telling the rest of them. It also helped that there would be a less likely chance of him getting caught doing it by anybody else. Though the only two people who he was worried abut figuring him out were Keith and Allura. He didn't want Allura to think any less of him for being different than the rest of them. And he always thought that Keith would just use it as a way to make fun of him, he knows that Keith probably wouldn't go that, but he could never be to careful since he didn't actually know that much about Keith. He knew that they all would worry about him, especially Hunk. And nobody needed to worry about him on top of everything else that's going on in their very chaotic lives. So walking around the Castle had become sort of a habit for Lance to do almost every night that he could before bed, for over a good month now at least. And it really helped Lance to calm down after a very tough mission, that really left him shaken. It didn't take him that long to realize that the cause of his stress induced insomniatic walking was the recent loss of their leader Shiro. The loss of their beloved Voltron Leader had hit everyone pretty hard. And it didn't take a genius to acknowledge that a certain Red Paladin was taking this certain loss even harder than the rest of Team Voltron. Even the space mice and Kattle Necker were upset that he was gone. The dynamics of Team Voltron hadn't been the same ever since their last face off with Zarkon. Sometimes Lance wonders if things will ever go back to being like they used to.

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