Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"You're doing what?!" Shiro yelled. And it was the first time in a long time that Keith heard him angry like that. He had forgotten that Shiro could get that loud. It was a couple of days after Keith's late night talk with Hunk, he only had about 2 more days until Kolivan was coming to get him. So he figured that he might as well go ahead and tell them all that he was leaving now. And things were going a bit better than he thought they would. No one was cussing him out, yet. Everyone was just gathered in the lounge and was staring at him in awe like he had grown another head or something. "I said that I'm leaving to join the Blade full time." Keith told them calmly. "Black has finally let you back in, and we have too many Paladins and not enough lions to go around." Keith refused to meet Lance's eyes when he said this. "Besides, I'm a crappy leader anyway, and everyone knows it." Keith told them. "I can do more good for this war, working for the Blade now then I can Voltron." He said. "It's nothing against you guys I promise, but I need to do this." During the whole time he was talking Keith refused to look anyone in the eye. He knew that if he did then he wouldn't be able to talk about any of it. Once he was done he lifted his head to gage everyone's reactions.

Coran seemed upset, but when they made contact the elder Altean seemed to have a look of understanding in his eyes. Out of all of them, Keith knew that Coran would probably understand his situations the best. He just seemed to get things like this and Keith still hasn't figured out how he does it. Coran just nodded his head in a way that tells Keith everything was going to be alright. Allura on the other hand seemed completely different than what he was expecting. Keith was fully prepared to have Allura go off on him, all guns blazing, with steam coming out of her ears and head about ready to go flying off of him. But the Allura in front of him now, seems more subdued, and somber. She was quiet, which surprised Keith a great deal. When Keith was able to meet her eyes, he noticed the guilt in them. He didn't mean to make her think that she was leaving because of all the crap that she's given him for being Garla and working with the Blade. He would have to go and talk to her about that at a later date. He didn't exactly have the time to have a heart to heart with the princess before he left/ But Keith was hoping that he was able to convey through his eyes that this wasn't her fault and that she didn't need to blame herself.

Pidge, for lack of a better term, had her resting bitch face on. And Keith knows what that is since he's been told multiple times in his life that he has one and it's terrifying to look at sometimes. Keith knew that Pidge would be one of them that took it the hardest. Pidge just sort of attached herself to him when they came to space. And no matter what Keith did, he couldn't get rid of her so he just gave up and took it. They were first introduced to each other when they were younger. Shiro and Matt were best friends at the Garrison, and they had gotten this bright idea to get their younger siblings together so that they could be friends too. That plan backfired and Keith and Pidge had clicked almost immediately. But when their brothers vanished they lost touch and when Keith got booted they thought that they would never see each other again. So when Keith ran into a mini version of Matt Holt along with some of his old Garrison classmates he was shocked. He knew that it was Katie, but if she was going to work the Pidge Gunderson thing far, he'd let her do it. Shiro wasn't happy about it, but Keith has never really been that good of an influence. He knew that she would be pissed, that was part of the reason that he didn't want to tell her. He didn't want to break her heart too. Hunk, just knew. When Keith looked at him, he could see that the dots had finally connected in his brain and he's gotten the full story to be able to finish the puzzle. Keith knew that he would, especially if their late night conversation went the way he wanted to, which it did. Hunk knew that he was doing this for Lance, and that Keith was absolutely terrified that he would be killed and that Lance would be left all alone. The two of them shared a knowing look, and Keith looked away before everyone figured it out.

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