Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It wasn't that long before Allura announced over the intercoms that they were getting ready to land soon. She told all of the paladins to get their armour on and to meet them on the bridge. It didn't take Lance long to get ready, he grabbed his helmet and walked out of his room. And as he walked out of the door he saw Keith walk out of his own room which was across the hall from Lance's. Lance smiled at them as they made eye contact for a split second before Keith ducked his head down and booked it down the hall. Lance sighed softly to himself as he followed after his team mate. It didn't take too long before he was on the bridge with the rest of the Paladins. Lance went to go and take his seat in his station to wait as they began their descent into the planet's atmosphere. He tried to make eye contact with Keith, but the raven kept avoiding eye contact with him. Lance gave up when Allura announced that they were almost there. Maybe he could try again after this mission was over.

The plant of Mooie Juweeltje was beautiful in Lance's opinion. And based on what Keith found from his research it really does look like a sparkling emerald. That made him think of his older sister Veronica. Emeralds were her birthstone and also her favorite jewel. Every year for her birthday ever since they were kids, their parents would give her a new pair of earrings or a ring, sometimes a necklace that had emeralds. Their family may not have had too much when Lance was a little kid but they always managed to go all out for all of their five kid's birthdays. Snapping himself out of his memories Lance turned his attention back towards the situation at hand. He had to get his head in the game, people were counting on him to get this race to join the Coalition. A lot was riding on this meeting, they needed all of the help that they could get to go and defeat the Garla. Now, more so than ever, especially after losing Shiro, and Lance was going to be damned if he let Lotor come in and take over right where his father left off. No one else needed to get hurt because of something that happened over 10,00 years ago. And Lance was going to make sure that it will happen. 

Once the Castle touched down, they waited a few minutes to gather all of their stuff before making their way to the planet's surface. Watching the landing ramp extend from the Castle's opening, Lance among other things was stunned. The planet was evening more beautiful on the ground than it was from outer space. Lance was really hoping that they could get the planet to join them for the sheer beauty of their planet alone. Taking cue from Allura, Lance and the others walked down the ramp to meet up with the oncoming group of natives that they were supposed to meet. And just like the planet, the people were breathtakingly beautiful as well. Lance's jaw almost dropped at how beautiful these people were. This should be a very interesting meeting to say the very least.

"Hello, I am Princess Allura of Altea and the Blue Paladin of Voltron." Allura greeted their arrival party as they approached them. "We mean you and your people no harm, we are only here to talk and ask your Queen if you wish to join our fight to eradicate Garlan rule of the universe once and for all." Lance had to give it to her, Allura was one very fine and eloquent diplomat. She knew how to work a crowd to get people to listen to her and how to get them to join their side of the war. While Allura was busy telling the welcome wagon that they meant no harm, Lance was taking stock of their possible new allies. The Juweeltje, the race that inhabited this planet were absolutely stunning. For the most part they seemed to be human-like, except for the part where they're green. Their skin was about the same shade of green as the planet's surface. To Lance it looked like they were shimmering, and he was amazed by it.  

Lance wasn't very surprised when he got an elbow to the ribs. He closed his mouth which was hanging open and turned his head slightly to see who it was. It was Hunk and he was giving Lance a look that in Hunk speak meant to 'close your mouth and pay attention.' So Lance just shook his head and went back to paying attention to Allura's speech. Though at this point she was done speaking and they were being ushered along by their welcome party to go and meet their queen. Lance was kind of excited to meet her, if these were anything to go by then the Queen herself must be drop-dead gorgeous. It made his insides get all tingly, but it wasn't so that he could flirt with her. He knows that he deemed himself "Loverboy Lance" and everything that goes along with it, but it's not really who he is anymore. Ever since coming into space you could say that he has grown into himself. He's come to realize that all that he wants is a partner, man or woman(That last part was something that he's come to realize recently.) to spend the rest of his life with. He may be the most guilty out of all of them to talk a big game, but he really isn't like that. He's just curious about the Queen because the reason is that he's just infatuated with the planet and he wanted to know more about them. He may not be the smartest person on the team, but Lance knows that one can learn a lot by observing and asking the right questions. And that was exactly what he was going to do.

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