Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

All that he could see was black and nothingness. Everywhere Keith looked there was just black. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. The last thing that he could remember before now was being in his room with Lance. Wait a minute... "Lance!" He had no idea where Lance was now or if he was alright. He couldn't really see his surroundings that well, so it was hard to tell where he was and make things out in the dark. Keith knew that Lance was with him before he blacked out. He was beginning to panic a little bit at the fact that he couldn't find him anywhere, no matter how hard he looked. Keith knew that even though Lance wasn't particularly fond of him and that the two of them don't normally get along well, he wouldn't just ditch him. Lance was just too nice to do a thing like that. And Keith himself couldn't ditch him either, he just couldn't, he had to find him.

Wherever Keith was there seemed to be no concept of time. He had absolutely no idea how long he had been here already. It could have been hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years. Though Keith would never admit it, he was starting to get scared for his life. And what was driving Keith insane was that he didn't know who was behind this. He had come to the conclusion that whoever had taken him and put him here also had Lance with them at this very moment. Keith's thoughts were running a million miles a minute, if not even faster. He was really starting to freak out now.

Every bad scenario possible that he could think of was going through his head. And all of them ended with the out come of Lance getting hurt, or something even worse, Keith's stomach was just rolling at the mere thought of it. He really needed to find Lance and get the two of them out of there and back to the others. But where were the others? Were they ok? Were they injured? Were they harmed? If Keith was losing his mind before , he definitely was now. One of the thoughts that was constantly running through his head was how horrible a leader he was.

Keith was no Shiro, that much was obvious from the start of all of this mess. Shiro was honorable, noble and so put together. He always knew what to do and what to say to diffuse a situation. Shiro always had everything under control. He had a good thing on his shoulders and a heart at least triple the size of his body. Keith on the other hand, was his complete opposite. Shiro was all valor, and he was a known hero back on Earth. Keith, well Keith was Keith, and he was a screw up, big time. He was brash, harsh, and stand-offish. He's hot headed and is very prone to act first and think about things later, at some point. He somehow always manages to put his fist in his mouth when he speaks. He can never say the right thing, And when he tires, it always makes the situation worse. He was drowning in stress and extra responsibility and had no life raft, or anything to hold on to.

The darkness was everywhere. It was starting to make him feel claustrophobic. He was beginning to feel like the walls were closing in on him. It reminded him of one of the foster homes that he stayed in. The parents used to lock him up in the hall closet for hours on end as punishment. During this, Keith did what he normally did the best in these types of situations. He ran. Though this time it seemed like the more that he ran, the worse it made things to be. And he was beginning to feel light headed all of a sudden. He had to stop when his legs finally gave out on him. It was at this moment that Keith had come to terms with the fact that he was more than likely going to die here. He was going to die a failure and a major screw up. Just like he's been told of his life that he was going to be.

Right when it was starting to feel like his lungs were trying to rip themselves from his chest, he started to hear things. Thinking that he was losing his mind and getting ready to die anyway, he didn't really pay it that much attention at first. Of course all that it was, was a bunch of white noise. He couldn't even make out what it was at first. After a while though it was more than just mind numbing buzzing going through his head. It was a voice. At first he didn't really recognize it. But the more that the person talked, the more familiar it was to him. It then dawned on Keith that it was Lance's voice that he was hearing. "Keith! Keith!" He heard Lance yell. Keith tried to do anything to make some kind of noise to get Lance's attention to tell him where he is. Though all of the breath had been stolen from his body. All that he was capable of doing was gasping for breath. He knew that Lance was still talking but he couldn't understand anything anymore. Just as he was closing his eyes, Keith felt the whole place start to shake. The choppy motion was doing his upset stomach no favors. He felt like throwing up when all of a sudden this bright white light came out of nowhere and into his line of vision, blinding him. Then it all went black.

When Keith came to the next time, it was rough. When he opened his eyes, his vision swam and his stomach rolled then flipped. He tried to move to somewhere he could vomit, so he wouldn't choke to death on his own vomit. But his body was so out of whack that all he could do was roll over and hope for the best. He threw up as soon as his body made contact with the floor. And it wasn't soft contact at all. He was able to push himself up onto his arms so he was less likely to choke on his puke.

Keith felt like he was in the process of dying. He's pretty sure that he has never felt so bad in his entire life. And that included that one time he ate an entire gallon jug of ice cream. Though it didn't really help that Keith hated puke and vomiting in general. He was a big time sympathy puker. That was the reason that every time Hunk got sick he had to either leave the room or mute his comm line. He knew that he would end up getting just as sick if not sicker than Hunk if he didn't distance himself from the situation. And his hatred for vomiting is also another reason that he has avoided all things alcohol and dairy products like the plague. He knew that if you get drunk enough you would puke your guts out. And Keith was also lactose intolerant, so that made everything at least 10 times worse. Anything dairy that he had consumed would do straight through him and he'd spend all night puking at the very least.

Keith flinched violently when he felt something touch his back. Though he was a little bit too preoccupied to care at the moment, let alone do anything about it. "Hey, hey, it's ok just, breath Keith. You've got to breathe man, just ride it out and it'll pass." Lance said. Ohh, it was Lance. At least he had fina;;y found where he went. They must have been put back in the same room after he passed out. That was good, sort of. At least he knew where Lance was now.

Keith shakily reached out his hand and grabbed at Lance's wrist on his free hand. His grip wasn't as tight as it could have been, but it was tight enough for Lance to get the message. "Ssh......, Hey Keith it's ok buddy." Lance told him as he continued to rub his back. "Calm down man it was just a dream, you're safe." Lance whispered into his hair. Keith shook his head and his heart rate picked up in speed just a bit. No, this couldn't have all been just a dream. It felt all too real to be a dream. There was really something wrong here.

Things were finally starting to calm down when Keith had started dry heaving. Lance held him against his chest, with his arms wrapped loosely around his waist.He had made it very easy for Keith to get out of his hold at any time he wanted. After awhile he just gave up and melted into Lance. He was tired and exhausted and felt gross as can be. But he couldn't go to sleep yet. He had to figure out what was going on and if everyone was ok or not. He just had to. But he was struggling to keep his eyes open. His mind was very cloudy and muddled. He was having trouble trying to get his brain and mouth to cooperate with each other enough to talk. And Lance was so warm, and the calming patterns that Lance was tracing on the skin of his arms was very soothing. Before he knew it, Keith had ended up falling asleep in Lance's arms. And it ended up being the best sleep that he has had in a very, very long time.

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