Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"It appears that your Black Paladin has been bitten by the Krachtige liefde." The Royal Doctor informed them. "What?" Lance asked him. He had no idea what that was, but he was almost positive that it wasn't a good thing. And if Keith was bitten by whatever it's called then this can't be good. "As I said before Red Paladin your leader was bitten by.." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time doctor, but my question is what is it?" Lance asked in the most respectful manner that he could muster at the moment. Even though he was upset and worried out of his mind, he still had to act diplomatic about it. "Well, I am not entirely sure how to translate this into your own language, but it's an insect." The doctor told them. "And it seemed to have bitten your friend on the neck at some point, and it's venom has seeped out into his blood." "Oh my God!" Hunk screamed. "Is he going to die?!" The doctor shook his head again. "No, luckily his case isn't that severe." "So what is it that the bug did to him?" Pidge asked them. "Well, the bite of this bug, is how you put it, emotion enhancing." The doctor told her. "The people who are bitten by this bug, their hormones go out of whack." "Define out of whack?" Hunk asked. "Oh! I remember what this bug is!" Coran butted in.

"What is it Coran?" Allura asked him. "The whole reason why I was sent here all those deca-pheobs ago was this bug." Coran told them. "King Alfor wanted to know more about it, he had heard about it from a traveling tradesman." He said. "Oh, what did he call it... Ah! Yes, he called it a love bug." Everyone's eyes got wide at that. "A love bug, those are just a myth right?" Hunk asked. "I am afraid not Yellow Paladin." Justitie, the Queen's second-hand told him. "We're not sure where this bug originated from, but over time it has risen in population on our planet, and it is mostly harmless." "Harmless, the doctor just said that Keith was lucky to be alive." Lance said. "Well, more likely than not it's harmless, as long as they come into contact with their fate pair." The doctor told them. "Fated pair?" Lance asked him. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Well, when the person is bitten, and they come into contact with their fated pair, it's non-lethal." He said. "They just act a lot more affectionate with their pair, and the effects should wear off in about a movement or so." "And if they don't?" Pidge asked. "Well, let's just say that it has never ended well."

"But you said that Keith's case wasn't that bad." Hunk pointed out. "So that means that Keith's okay, right?" The doctor nodded. "Why, yes, from the data that was collected from the scans that we took, it seems that your Black Paladin has found his fated pair." He told him. "But, who?" Hunk asked. "We've haven't been around anyone but each other for months, and the few people that we've come into contact with haven't been for long periods of time." "Well, then it's safe to guess that your leader's fated pair is one of you." Justitie said. Everyone was shocked at that. One of them? One of them was set up by the universe to be Keith's fated pair? "Who?" Lance asked, and for a second there he didn't even recognize his own voice. "I don't know, Red Paladin, but it has to be one of you." Meegen said. "Neither I or any of my guards or cabinet members have been around your leader long enough." "Keith got bit right about here right?" Lance asked as he moved his arm to his neck to indicate where Keith had been bitten. "Yes, but how did you know?" The Royal Doctor asked. "On the way to the palace I heard a noise, when I turned to see what it was I saw that Keith was holding his neck here." Lance explained as he motioned to his neck. "When I tried to see if he was alright he blew me off and said it was fine." The doctor took a few moments to process what had just been told. "Was there anything different about him when you asked him this?" The doctor asked. Lance thought about it for a moment and he realized that there was in fact something off about Keith. "Yeah, I thought that I was going crazy for a minute there, but I could have sworn that his eyes had turned pink when we made eye-contact." Lance said. And that was when it felt like the whole room was beginning to close in on him.

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