Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After Keith's little breakdown, he just crashed. To be even more specific he fell asleep against Lance. And it was a sight that Lance will forever have ingrained in his memory. Keith's ebony locks were all squished and messed around him in some sort of messy halo on Lance's shoulder. It contrasted perfectly with his skin that it made it look like he was glowing in the light of the bedroom. He didn't have the heart to wake him up, he looked so cute. So he just gently moved Keith to where he was lying down in bed. Lance stayed there on the edge of the bed for a while just watching him sleep. And yes, he knows that it's a little bit creepy and a tad bit stalkerish But since no one else was around who was conscious at the time, so he didn't really care. So what if he has a teeny tiny, itzy bitzy crush on Keith. It's a free universe for the most part, or at least it is where they currently are. The whole point of it is that he can like whoever he wants to ok.

Lance was about 13 years old when he came out to his family as bisexual. He was a complete nervous wreck, and he was so terrified that he thought that he was going to puke. Though the reason that he was scared was different than the reason that other people are scared to come out to their families. Even though Lance comes from a very traditional Cuban Catholic family, they're pretty open minded about things. Especailly things like different sexualitiyes. It all started with his Abuela immigrating over to the U.S. from Cuba. Lance was told the whole story about it when he was a child. His Abuela had fled Cuba when she was only 16 years old with her older brother Vincent. His Tio Abuelo Vincent is gay and he was publically outed during a Church gathering in Cuba. Even though the rest of the world for the most part was very open minded and very accepting of things like this, Cuba was still just a little bit behind on things. Vincent had become an outcast, and eventually a social pariah amongst the people in their hometown. And he was excluded from pretty much everything. It had gotten to the point that he couldn't take it anymore and he left. His Abuela, who loves her older brother so much and the fact that they are very close even until this day, decided to leave with him.

It was very hard for the two of them those first couple of years that they were in the U.S. Though before he left Vincent had gotten himself a job working on the docks in Miami, Fl. His Abuela had gotten a job waiting tables at the local dinner and she was going to school at night to finish her high school education. And they bounced around between places to live until they had enough money to buy a tiny little trailer in a dinky trailer park on the outskirts of town. When she finally got her GED, she went to community college to become a beautician. She graduated 1st in her class. During her college years she had met and married his Abuelo Edwardo. His Abuelo was also from Cuba and he and his family had moved to Florida from Havana when he was 6 years old. And not long after they got married, his Abuela became pregnant with his father's older sister, his Tia Melissa. She actually graduated college when she was 5 months along with her. And Uncle Vincent ended up marrying one of his Abuelo's best friends Max. He was of German and Irish descent and they have been together ever since.

So his whole family expecting him or not wasn't the big issue here. The whole problem was that the year before his older sister Veronica had come out to their family as a lesbian. His whole issue was that he had thought that his family wouldn't believe him because of this. Lance had thought that they would have told him that he was confused because of Veronica and should take more time to think about and make sure that he was right. But Lance knew, and he had known for a while now that he was bisexual and he wanted to tell his family. He had known ever since he had a very weird and slightly errotic dream about one of his older brother Luis's friends. This was killing him and he wanted his family to know. Why you may ask? The answer is pretty simple, they were his family and they all deserved to know the truth about him. Though he was able to fix his problems with the help of his Tio Abuelo Vincent and his older sister Veronica. Then no that long after that was when he was introduced to the one and only Keith Kogane that next school year at the Garrison.

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