100 Ways to be a 'Douche': #1-10

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100 Ways to be a Douche

A/N- Erhmm, thanks for reading. This is what happens when my brother and I are in the car and he said his best-selling book '100 ways to be a douche' is doing very well. So I stole his idea. After all, he never said 'All rights reserved.' If you have a way to 'be a douche' just leave a review or message me. Hope you likes. <3 heart lol

1.) When your best friend finally gets a promotion on their job, go to their work and egg them.

2.) If your best friend works at a store, pick out the most expensive item and demand the 'friend' discount.

3.) When in Walmart, prance around like a chicken in the poultry section.

4.) When someone is in the middle of telling a story, just randomly interrupt them by making sheep noises.

5.) When your parents refuse to take you out to lunch, throw a temper tantrum, and scream that you hate them.

6.) When you are playing online on Xbox Live, in a team deathmatch (in either CoD, Halo, or whatever your game is,) tea-bag the corpses.

7.) Whenever you are at a friends house, ask their brother/sisters if you can eat them. When they say 'no' start cussing at them in various languages.

8.) Tell your friends that you eat adorable kittens. When they ask 'how can you sleep with yourself at night?' respond 'with your mom'.

9.) When you notice someone else being a Douche, tell them that and read the definition. Douchebag- someone that surpasses the levels of jerk and @$$hole, however has not yet reached the levels of fu***r or mothef***er

10.) 'Haunt' your friends locker by putting notes in it that read 'U r being haunted bi a douchey goast whoooo cant spellz!'

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