Chapter 16: Sebastian

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16 Sebastian

Dinner was in the oven keeping warm, there was soft, instrumental worship playing through the Bluetooth speaker on the counter, an apple cinnamon candle had been lit on the coffee table, I'd showered, dressed in something semi-nice, lit a fire in the fireplace, taken my pills, and it was only ten-till seven.

So, maybe I'd gotten a little ahead of myself and started dinner too early, but at least it was done, and Summer would be there any minute, so we could eat soon as she was ready. Until then, I paced the living room floor, my eyes peeking into the darkness through the window to see heavy snow illuminated by the street lights. I said a prayer that she'd make it safe, then paced some more.

There was no reason for me to be nervous. Summer had spent most of the day at my house, had shared a kiss in my armchair that I ceased my pacing to sit in, but for some reason, her coming now felt more official, and I was scared senseless. It was the first time I'd have made her anything other than pre-packaged cocoa; the first time she'd be in my place after dark. Maybe that was what it was.

It was dark, it was cold. I had a cozy fire made and a comfy couch to curl up on. With the way my body had responded to her from just a kiss, I feared what else may happen between us when the circumstances seemed appropriate. Pursing my lips, I stared into the fire, half tempted to put it out, but didn't get a chance before the front door was knocked on.

Rising, I smoothed my shirt and hair and moved to open the door, quickly stood aside to allow Summer to enter. She was shivering, with flakes of snow dotting her hair and coat, which she shook out over the rug as she shrugged out of her jacket. I took it from her and hung it on the hook behind the door as she unwound her scarf and handed it to me as well.

I stood mesmerized as she shook out her hair, the bouncing tresses of red silk flying wildly to fall heavy over her shoulders and down her back. She was dressed in a navy-blue sweater with rhinestones across the chest, and tight white jeans that cupped her perfect butt, making me blush for having noticed. Black boots rose all the way up to her knees, the heels of which were crusted in ice.

"I'm sorry I'm late." She breathed as she brushed her hair back from her face. "I couldn't decide what to wear, and the weather is just... awful." She shook her head as she looked over my shoulder at the snow falling through the kitchen window .

Catching her hand, I drew her eyes to me and pressed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "You look beautiful." I whispered, and she beamed. "And you're not late." I released her hand and started toward the kitchen. "Rather, I started a bit early."

After donning the pot holder mitts from the counter, I stooped and opened the oven, pulled out the cast iron skillet containing a bubbly chicken piccata, and set it on the stove. Summer groaned from where she leaned against the counter, watching me.

"That smells amazing!"

I grinned as I retrieved the mashed potatoes and green beans as well, and set them beside the skillet. "Guess you can decide for yourself how it compares against my driving." I teased, and she rolled her eyes.

"I can tell just by the smell that it won't compare to your driving."

She rounded the bar and came to my side, swiped a finger through the mashed potatoes and stuck it in her mouth as I gaped at her.

"Such manners."

Grinning wide, she swiped another finger and rubbed the potato over my lips. My heart kicked into my throat as I licked it off, then grimaced.

"Needs salt."

She shook her head as she licked the remnants and turned away. "No. Needs nothing."

Taking her bag from where she set it on a bar stool, she opened it, and I watched her as she lifted out a bottle of Merlot, a flush of embarrassment in her eyes.

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