Chapter 29: Summer

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29 Summer

Sebastian was quiet. We ordered the same thing we had on our first 'date', Chai lattes, but neither of us were drinking them. We were at a small table in the far corner between the windows and the hallway to the bathrooms, our drinks sitting untouched. Sebastian was leaned back in his chair, the splint on his finger absently tapping at the wood table while he stared out the window. His expression was passive, peaceful, keeping me from worrying about what might be on his mind, especially after his episode at the church, but I still didn't like his silence. It wasn't like him.

"Are you—"

"What are you thinking?" He spoke at the same moment as me, and we both smiled as I shook my head.

"Nothing in particular."

"What were you about to say?"

I shrugged. "I was going to ask you if you're alright."

"Oh." He smiled again and blew out a long breath as he leaned forward and finally reached for his latte. "Yeah, I'm fine now. I had my moment of internal chaos, then put my head back on straight."

Shaking my head, I picked up my latte as well, and blew on it. "You've earned a few breakdowns."

"No." He said slowly, then set his cup back down. "I've had my share. Any more is just... milking it. And I don't want to take advantage of people like that. Especially you. If you ever think I'm getting too carried away by my condition, I want you to slap me upside the head."

I scoffed, took a slow sip, and set my mug down. "Sebastian, you have cancer. It's not like you're living up the man flu."

He shrugged, began tinking his finger splint against the ceramic mug. "Just the same." He muttered, then leaned back in the seat again. "So, you looking forward to tomorrow?"

I nodded. "I need the address, though."

He waved a dismissive hand. "I'll pick you up. Unless, of course... I crash on your couch again."

Rolling my eyes, I grinned. "With my cat? No way. I'd rather crash on yours."

He held up an offering hand. "My couch is your couch."

I smiled, then reached across the table for his hand, which he gave me. "I love you. Do you know that?"

He shrugged. "I have a small inkling."

"Only a small inkling?" I huffed and picked up my mug again. "Apparently, I'm not doing something right. Maybe I should invest in lingerie or something."

He laughed out loud and shook his head. "Summer, you invest in lingerie and I will be in big trouble. You're too much of a temptation as it is."

I felt my cheeks warm with blush, and released his hand to enfold my fingers around my cup. After blowing gently on the steam, I took a slow sip, then set it down on a sigh.

"I like doing this with you." Sebastian said suddenly, and I smiled at him.

"What? Starbucks?"

He shrugged. "Starbucks, church, my house, your house... I just like doing life with you. It's nice to not be alone." He was staring at his cup, wrenching my heart with the way his expression, so passive, belied what must be a flurry of emotions coursing through him.

"I like it, too." I agreed. "But you were never really alone before me."

He shrugged again. "I have Tom and my family, sure, but I'm not about to kiss any of them under Christmas mistletoe this year."

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